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Drabble Story: ~Postcards From the Heart~ G [12 Nov 2006|01:06pm]
Title: Postcards from the Heart
Characters: Lupin, Snape, others
Rating: G
Author: smoke
Summary: Remus tries to find a way to communicate with his absent love.

Author's Note: Eleven Drabbles, written for the Postcards Challenge at lupin100. They tell a story written in 100 word postcards.

Postcards )
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Fic: ~Not This Time~ PG-13 [05 Nov 2006|10:48am]
A short character study of Sirius.

Title: Not This Time
Characters: Sirius - others thought about
Rating/Warnings: not much, slashy thoughts - sort of - PG-13
Summary: Sirius always seems to get things wrong, but not this time.
Thanks to [info]snegurochka_lee for beta help.

Not This Time )
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Fic: ~Chamber Music: A Quartet/~ NC-17 [20 Oct 2006|04:36pm]
Title: Chamber Music: A Quartet
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus, Sirius, James, Lily
Kink(s): Dirty talk, object insertion, oral sex, and first time
Notes: Lily and James are about to get married, but Lily wants to be sure about a few things first. She goes to Remus and Sirius for help. Contains both het and slash.

Thanks to [info]busaikko for beta help. This wrote itself while hashing out [info]snegurochka_lee's The Tale of the Virgin War.

Chamber Music )
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~Drabbles~~ G-R [21 Aug 2006|01:45pm]
I have written many drabbles. I'll try to consolidate them into some sort of order.
Drabbles for [info]lupin100 Challenge #109, Fun with the letter L. At the least, each sentence must begin with the letter L.

Mostly humor, but one dark; mostly Snape/Lupin, but one not; rated G through R. Unbeta'd.

Drabbles )
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Drabble Story: ~I'm Not Gay~ NC-17 [25 Jul 2006|12:57pm]
A/N – Several months ago, I wrote a story in drabble form for LJ Community lupin100. At the end of the week, I was encouraged by a few demented individuals to continue. For five weeks, I could write with-in the prompts, then... I couldn't. The completed story turned out to contain more than thirty drabbles.

Note: These drabbles are snapshots of a story. There may be minutes, days, or weeks, between each one.

[info]almost_clara did an fabulous illustration of the "chat" Lupin had with Draco. You can view it here.

Summary: The war is over. Snape is running – a wanted man, and Lupin decides it's time to go after what he's always wanted. There are problems, however.

Thanks to [info]snegurochka_lee for beta help.

I'm Not Gay )
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Fic: ~One Sock, Two Sock, Red Sock, Blue Sock~ R [22 Apr 2006|01:15pm]
Summary: Sometimes a sock really isn’t just a sock.
For Amorettea's prompt: A quiet night at home, comparing socks. It didn’t turn out anything like I had planned.
Rated a gentle R
Warnings: A little humor, a little angst, a little fluff
Thanks to Snegurochka for beta help.

This was a
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at Eros & Sappho, May 2006

Socks )
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Comment Porn: ~Tickling the Goldfish~ NC-17 [05 Mar 2006|12:36pm]
Another delightful (for me anyway) collaboration with [info]busaikko. This time, it is not crack fic. No, really. A nice, simple, fluffy little piece of porn.

It all started with dinner at the [info]busaikko abode and mini-busaikko wanting Mommy to 'tickle the goldfish.' Now, that produced all kinds of thoughts - none of which were fit for the dining table, but which were generously shared on LJ. I started it off in comments and - as fate would have it - it continued.

Tickling the Goldfish )
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Comment Porn: ~Fluid Sexuality~ NC-17 [24 Feb 2006|12:50pm]
This started out with someone (who shall remain nameless) posting an orphan phrase on her ([info]busaikko) LJ and inviting people to play. What follows is comment porn. No plan, no format, no anything, except the alternating thoughts of a couple of... odd minds.

NC17 - Warnings: Crack!fic, voyeurism, dubcon, noncon, threesome (foursome?), broomstick abuse, chicken abuse, perverse use of pudding, bondage, bullying, electrocution, underage drinking – am I missing anything? The Marauders as you've never seen them before (and never hope to see them again). BTW, I believe the boys are old enough, although maybe they're not.

Edit: It has been suggested that this little gem should be prefaced by a beverage warning, so this is it.

Many thanks to my wonderful beta for risking severe ocular damage giving this a brief once-over. (She made me take her name out.)

You have been warned. )

(She dared me to post this - it's not my fault!)
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Fic: ~Alpha Wolf~ NC-17 [08 Feb 2006|01:12pm]
Title: Alpha Wolf
Chapter 8, Omega
Authors: smoke and Snegurochka
Pairing: Remus Lupin/ Bill Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Remus feels the new werewolf in town is threatening his authority. He decides to teach the challenger a lesson.

Chapter 8 )
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Fic: ~Alpha Wolf~ NC-17 [07 Feb 2006|12:33pm]
Title: Alpha Wolf
Chapter 7, Eta
Author: Snegurochka
Pairing: Remus Lupin/ Bill Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Remus feels the new werewolf in town is threatening his authority. He decides to teach the challenger a lesson.

Chapter 7 )
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Fic: ~Alpha Wolf~ NC-17 [06 Feb 2006|12:04pm]
Title: Alpha Wolf
Chapter 6, Zeta
Author: smoke
Pairing: Remus Lupin/ Bill Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Remus feels the new werewolf in town is threatening his authority. He decides to teach the challenger a lesson.

Chapter 6 )
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Fic: ~Alpha Wolf~ NC-17 [05 Feb 2006|11:39am]
Title: Alpha Wolf
Chapter 5, Epsilon
Author: Snegurochka
Pairing: Remus Lupin/ Bill Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Remus feels the new werewolf in town is threatening his authority. He decides to teach the challenger a lesson.

Chapter 5 )
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Fic: ~Alpha Wolf~ NC-17 [04 Feb 2006|11:30am]
Title: Alpha Wolf
Chapter 4, Delta
Author: smoke
Pairing: Remus Lupin/ Bill Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Remus feels the new werewolf in town is threatening his authority. He decides to teach the challenger a lesson.

Chapter 4 )
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Fic: ~Alpha Wolf~ NC-17 [03 Feb 2006|11:11am]
Title: Alpha Wolf
Chapter 3, Gamma
Author: Snegurochka
Pairing: Remus Lupin/ Bill Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Remus feels the new werewolf in town is threatening his authority. He decides to teach the challenger a lesson.

Chapter 3 )
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Fic: ~Alpha Wolf~ NC-17 [02 Feb 2006|11:31am]
Title: Alpha Wolf
Chapter 2, Beta
Author: smoke
Pairing: Remus Lupin/ Bill Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Remus feels the new werewolf in town is threatening his authority. He decides to teach the challenger a lesson.

Chapter 2 )
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Fic: ~Alpha Wolf~ NC-17 [01 Feb 2006|10:36am]
Title: Alpha Wolf
Chapter 1, Alpha
Author: Snegurochka
Pairing: Remus Lupin/ Bill Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Remus feels the new werewolf in town is threatening his authority. He decides to teach the challenger a lesson.

This story was co-authored with Snegurochka. She wrote the first chapter and I was so... inspired... I wrote the second. We carried on alternating chapters until the last chapter with was written by both of us.

More of her excellent writing can be found at her website.

Runner Up for Best Adult Slash Fic of Round Five of the Multifaceted Awards.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
at The Burrow, November 2005

Chapter 1 )
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Fic: ~Pity~ NC-17 [28 Sep 2005|11:35am]
Title: Pity
Pairing: Lupin/Black
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Remus and Sirius share some... thoughts in the front yard of a Godric's Hollow home.
Thanks to [info]snegurochka_ for beta help.

Pity )
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Ficlets: ~~That's What Friends Are For....~~ NC-17 [11 Sep 2005|11:26am]
Title: That's What Friends Are For....
Pairings: multiple - but not all at once
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Five vignettes dealing with sex and friendship.
Warnings: Slash, incest, animal sex, BDSM, and general poor taste. If you’re easily squicked, please don’t bother reading.

Many thanks to Snegurochka for beta’ing.

Five unrelated smut bunnies. )
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Challenge Fic: ~The Power of a Good Woman's Love~ NC-17 [03 Aug 2005|01:36pm]
This story was written in answer to Potter Place's Ho!Mione Challenge.

Rules )

Can the love of a good woman turn a man’s path? It can if the woman is Ho!Mione!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

A/N This story contains egregious misuse of the English language, numerous oblique references that will probably go unnoticed, dizzyingly fast changes in POV, and unforgivable lapses in good taste. This is a parody. Please don’t shoot me.

Hang on, it's going be a bumpy ride!

The Power of a Good Woman's Love )
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Fic: ~Power Play~ NC-17, Epilogue [07 Jul 2005|02:21pm]
Title: Power Play
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s, BDSM, violence, bestiality, graphic sex.
Summary: Lupin was surprised to learn of Snape’s submissive side, and stunned when the Potions Master offered that submission up as a gift to him. He grabbed it without thinking, but did the werewolf bite off more than he could chew?

Notes: Two parts - complete. A little angst, but mostly an excuse to write smut. Set in the first half of the school year after OotP, but written before HBP.

Many thanks to Odd Doll and Snegurochka for their excellent work as betas.

Epilogue )

The story continues with The Greek Boy: An Introduction to Submission in which Lupin searches out the Greek Boy, and with his permission, presents him to Snape for a night of pleasure.
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