Hayley Marshall-Kenner

March 2020


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March 8th, 2020


Hayley Marshall-Kenner
Hayley Marshall-Kenner NAME Andrea Labonair, Wolf Girl, Queen, Little Wolf, Mom Wolf NICKNAMES 6/6/1991 BIRTHDAY Werewolf-Vampire Hybrid Race
Looks 20, but 35 Aged Widowed Status Mother FIELD In Love with Elijah FIELD
Hayley is a complicated hyrbid that just keeps getting more communicated since meet Klaus and having his child. She is the Alpha of her pack, which is a testament to just how tough she is. If she feels threaten she will call out their bluff and will be ready for a show down. She is quite the tomboy. She is impulsive and tends to do things for her own benefits or her families. Since becoming a Hybrid her emotions are very heightened, so as her hatred for anyone that would harm her, her daughter, and her pack. She is arrogant and confident in her abilities. Hayley seems not to learn from her mistakes, but she is trying. She does have a sympathetic side and will give advice and support when someone asks. Through the years, Hayley has matured somewhat, but still goes head into danger all to protect her daughter. Hayley tends to take on things herself and has a hard time to ask for help. She is willing to die for her daughter, and she did. And there was no regrets in that.

Hayley has medium length brown hair that can be styled in a number of ways. She has hazel eyes and olive skin color tone. Her eyes do change colors when she harness her hybrid qualities. She is considered a tomboy due to her rough personality and likes to wear jeans, boots, belts, leather/demin jackets. But often these are paired with earthly tones with plaid and floral printed shirts. Hayley does wear makeup that brings focus to her lips and eyes. She often wears accessories and has multiple ear piercing. She stands at 5'7 with a slim, athletic built. She does have a Crescent birthmark symbolizing she is a Labonair.

Her werewolf form is brown and grey and has yellow/golden glowing eyes.

ABILITY Hayley is a vampire-werewolf hybrid. She was born a werewolf and later she was turned into a hybrid by her daughter the day Hope was born. Hayley is the Alpha of her pack as well as 'royalty' thanks to her werewolf bloodline. As she ages she will grow stronger due to her vampire side, which in turn will increase her strength when she is enraged due to her werewolf side. Since turning into a hybrid she has advantages and some weakness that come with it.

They are as the following: Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Agility, Super Sense, Super Durability, Enhanced Healing Factor, Immortality, Day Walking, Emotional Control (She can turn off her humanity), Enhanced Emotions, Lycanthrope Enhancement, Mind Compulsion, Shapeshifting/Transformation Control(she doesn't need a full moon to turn and she can turn into a wolf in seconds), Sire Bond, Telepathy (Dream Manipulation/illusions), Werewolf Bite, Immunity to Silver.

The weakness of a hyrbid are the following: Broken Neck (renders hybrids unconscious), The Cure, Decapitation, Desiccation, Heart Extraction, Invitation, Magic, Physical Trauma, Poison, Vervain, Wolfsbane, Wood

Canon Point: Season 5 Episode 6

Wiki Page: https://vampirediaries.fandom.com/wiki/Hayley_Marshall-Kenner
Hayley Marshall-Kenner was born Andrea Labonair in New Orleans to the Crescent Wolf Clan, one of the two royal werewolf bloodlines. She was saved by Marcel who gave her Father Kieran and raised by adoptive parents. She was remained Hayley and grew up knowing nothing of her real family. Hayley triggered her werewolf curse on a boating trip when she was thirteen and it resulted in her being kicked out of the house. Since then she had been on her own, joining up with other packs before hitting the road again. Never really finding a home.

She found herself in Mystic Falls.There she meet friends, enemies, lovers and in the end she found out that her 'real' family was living in New Orleans. There she found out she was pregnant with the Original Hyrbid's child, Niklaus. She was held by the witch and was linked to Sophie. She then met Elijah who vowed to protect her and her unborn child. She grew rather close to Elijah, Rebekah, and even Klaus. Mostly to Elijah as Hayley started to fall in love with. Over the course of her pregnancy, Hayley was reunited with her own family, her pack. She also learned that she was promised to marry Jackson, the other royal bloodline of the werewolves. However, with the growing enemies the Mikaelson, Hayley was eventually taken and gave birth to her daughter. Moments after her daughters death, Hayley was killed.

She awoke on the alter, alone, and unsure how she was still alive. After getting her baby back, Hayley completed the transformation into a hybrid by drinking a small droplet from Hope's finger. Then it was time to say goodbye. In order to save Hope, Hayley had to send her away. In the coming weeks after that, Hayley went on a killing spree caring little for the lives she took - mostly they were witches. However with some guidance from an unlikey source, Hayley reconnected with her pack. In order to save her pack from the witches, Hayley agreed to marry Jackson, another Alpha, as her unique ability would give the rest the werewolves a way not to rely on the witches. And to bring Hope home.

Hayley grew to care deeply for her new husband, but her heart always belonged to another. So after Jackson death several years later, Hayley was reunited with Elijah. However, he ended up forgetting about her and to protect Hope the Mikealsons each carried a piece of the Hallow inside of them. Hayley promised to find a cure. Thus another couple of years passed until finally she awoke Freya. In an unfortunate turn of events, Hayley's werewolf side was bounded and she sacrificed herself to save her daughters life. By burning in the sunlight.