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Andromeda Tonks

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4. [01 Oct 2011|11:25am]
I can't even -- I haven't been able to think too much about all that's happened lately. The Dementor's Kiss, the Wizengamot decisions, Shacklebolt -- what is the world coming to again? I sincerely hope that this month brings about the proper changes needed to make us all feel both safer and happier.

Private Ginny, Harry )

Private Bill )
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3. [05 Sep 2011|09:40pm]
For obvious reasons, I've had to pull Teddy out of school and take some unexpected leave from St. Mungo's until I can arrange for some kind of childcare. He hated leaving his friends and didn't really understand what was going on. I only hope to be able to one day explain it adequately to him.

Private )
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2. [20 Aug 2011|10:40am]
It seems to be happening again -- I've started to dread opening the Daily Prophet in the mornings.

Private )

Are eight-year-olds meant to be reading newspapers?
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1. [11 Aug 2011|08:28pm]
August is always a bittersweet month for me. I was married in August. And now August is the end of summer, and soon I'll be losing Teddy to primary school once again. I try not to think about what it will be like in three years, when he's off to Hogwarts...

However, August does seem to be a time for pregnancies to crop up, both expected and unexpected! I wonder if it's because in the summer many people have more free time and vacation days and time to, well, get pregnant. I was pregnant with Nymphadora by August as well. And that would be why it was my wedding month, but no matter.
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BIO. [06 Aug 2011|03:07pm]
Andromeda Tonks )
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