covert_ - January 15th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 15th, 2009

Cause I'd rather just be alone if I know that I can't have you... [Jan. 15th, 2009|03:11 pm]
[mood |giddy]
[music |Jordyn Taylor- Strong]

I made it to the semifinals :) Twenty people made it out of 100 people or so. Im gonna have to go on stage in front of everyone which is gonna suck because last time I only had to say it in front of 40 people and now I have to do it in front of 100 kids plus all the teachers. Oh welllll. :o) Im in a really good mood right now. Last night I wasn't. It seems like im always stuck in the past. I realized yesterday how jealous I am of couples. If I see a boyfriend and girlfriend walking down the street holding hands, I'll envy them so bad. I saw a video of Lennie and her boyfriend John and it almost made me cry..they looked so happy. I miss having a boyfriend that always makes me smile. For my birthday my brother gave me a tiffany necklace and a little note that says "You don't need a boyfriend to know you are loved." Its hanging on my mirror because sometimes I forget.
Today lunch was so fun. I couldn't stop laughing. Tomorrow I have no school, hollllaaaa. Im gonna go to Colleen's house and chill there :)
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