covert_ - March 9th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 9th, 2009

You think you can make Obama not even want to change.. [Mar. 9th, 2009|02:08 pm]
[mood |confused]
[music |The Spill Canvas- Self conclusion]

So I haven't really updated in what I've been doing lately soo..

On Friday I went to Tara's aunts house for her party.It was awfully boring at first but it got better towards the end..
On Saturday I hung out with Eric, but I already wrote about that.
Yesterday I went out to breakfast with my mom, Stefanie, and Christina. It seemed like everyone was picking on me and saying how I can't do anything for myself. Stefanie gets so mad at the fact that my mom blow drys my hair straight for why do you care? She's like "What are you going to do when you're older and mom isn't around?" I'm like "Go to a salon.." I was half joking =P and she's like "ya right." Okay........Anyway, then I went to some bridal show which was so boring and I hated walking around. Then we went to the outlets which I did not want to do because it was so freakin hot out and I just complained the whole time..haha my poor family. But I got a cute shit at G by Guess and a top and pants from H&M.
Anywho today was alright...
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