covert_ - March 30th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 30th, 2009

You're as fake as the moans you make. [Mar. 30th, 2009|03:34 pm]
[mood |happy]

Eric- I like how we hung out for like hours that one day then never texted each other... -.-
Me- lol me too. I thought you like didn't want to talk to me or something or didn't have fun with me and I felt retartedddd
Eric- you always think that mariss...your a negative person...i loved that whole day we were together...

He's right. Most of the time I am really hard on myself...Eric is sorta like me. If I don't text him he'll get mad and will wait for me to text him, and I'm the same way. I really wish we could just hangout as friends..but we already ruined it. We can't just be friends without any feelings which sucks..because he would be a really cool friend. He's just a terrible boyfriend.

Today I had to play in the band..I'm so cool, let me tell ya..hahah I always have people asking me "You're in band?!" like their really would never think I would be in the band. But, it's really not that bad...I'm not doing it in highshool tho, thank god. I'm in a pretty good mood right now. I'm reading this really good book called The Glass Castle. My sister had to read it for college and she recommended it to me. Well I'm going, cya.
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