covert_ - April 5th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 5th, 2009

My president is black, my lambo's blue and I be god damn if my rims aint too [Apr. 5th, 2009|07:40 pm]
[mood |lazy]
[music |RyShone Jones- Emotional Welfare]

Well well where to start..

On friday, I have no clue what I did friday? lol..oh yeah, nothing. I just chilled at home because my friends are weirdos, and I say that in the nicest way possible. Saturday I went to my interview with the 5000 and I got the job =) So I can stay busy & tan (since I work on the beach) over the summer! Then my sister, my mom, and I drove up to the Cherry Hill mall which was an hour long drive to look for my eighth grade dance dress. We looked through every store and I couldn't find anything I liked. Then finnaly there was this one dress I liked at Bebe but my sister hated I didn't get it. A lot of the dresses we're so expensive. So I left empty handed and my mom was really mad at me and told me she was never taking me dress shopping again..Today, I went dress shopping again. Hahah, my mom decided to take me to some stores around us and I couldn't find anything I liked. There was this one black dress that was really cute but they didn't have my size! Blah. So my weekend was completely awful.

RIP Dominique
I didn't know you, but I wish I did. Sleep easy sweetie. Only the good die young.
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