covert_ - June 21st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 21st, 2009

And I don't know why but with you, I'd dance in a storm in my best dress fearless. [Jun. 21st, 2009|02:08 pm]
[mood |grateful]
[music |Taylor Swift- Fearless]

Last night I went to custards with John, Carmine, and Ilana. (Carmine wanted Ilana to come because he has a huge and annoying crush on her. John paid for me :) After we were done our ice cream John and I took a walk by ourselves. We talked and he said the sweetest things that made my heart melt :] We met up with Liam, Nate, Damian, and Oliver and we sat on Liam's porch for a little. A bunch of people came like Greg, Chris, Max, Erinn, Mikey, Brandon and Ugly Betty. Then we decided we wanted to walk to the somerset park so we did. When we got there we all sat down and some people wanted to go in this "haunted" house. Breaking and entering is a no no! So of course I didn't go. At one point Max had his arm around Erinn (they go out) and John had his arm around me. So Liam put his arm around an imaginary girl and Max laughed and said Liam had his arm around the prettiest girl here. John said , "No, I believe I do." :D :D :D :D Everyone eventually left but Max, Erinn, John and me. Erinn and Max went off and me and John were just talking and kissing. At one point he put his hand under my shirt and in my head I was like "oh god...please don't tell me this is gonna be another Eric who just wants one thing.." BUT, John just tickled me! Hahahha at that moment I knew I liked him a lot. He didn't ask me to do anything sexual so I know he really likes me.
John walked me home and told me that I'm perfect and that he likes me a lot :))) He also said that it doesn't matter what I wear because I always look pretty and that my face is adorable. When he said this he squeezed my cheeks :D Once he walked me to my block he told me he was going to call me. HUH? Eric was always "too tired" to call me. John just spent all night with me and then he wanted to talk to me some more. :) You should see my smile right now just writing this. I turned down the phone call because I said I might be hitting the sack but if he saw me online to IM me. He did :D and we talked for about an hour. He wants to hangout tonight and hopefully we do. A lot of people have told us that we are the cutest couple ever hahaha.
Eric hasn't tried to contact me and he probably knows I go out with John because I changed my facebook status and one of his friends probably told him. If he does try to talk to me I will just tell him I have a boyfriend and that I've moved on, the end. I finally cut down the tree, and planted a new beautiful, strong, adorable, kind, sweet, amazing, tree in its place.
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