covert_ - February 3rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 3rd, 2010

Friends, lovers, or nothing? [Feb. 3rd, 2010|09:04 pm]
[mood |thankful]
[music |John Mayer- Friends, lovers, or nothing]

Today wasn't a good day in Radio Broadcasting. I choked while I was on the air and just frooze saying "umm....................ummm" and no one saved me. Gr. =/ Also, we had nothing to talk about so I thought we could bring up the phrase "That's so gay," and how many people are offended by that saying because we're using the word "gay" as an insult and how people just shouldn't say that phrase at all. The two people I'm on air with said that was a stupid idea and that "gay people are going to hell anyway." Wow. That got me so are you serious? Especially since I know so many gay people, like Tori's brother for instance. I just felt like I was slapped in the face even though I'm not gay. I thought that comment was so rude. I don't believe in hell, or heaven. I don't even know if I believe in God but I think its ridiculous that they think gay people would go to "hell". I understand people are entitled to their opinions but that just got me so mad. For the rest of the class I sat in silence with my face red.

New subject! I've been wanting this ring since October I think and my mom would not buy it for me for my birthday or christmas. She wouldn't even let me buy it myself lol. (order it offline) Its $150. A lot of money. Yesterday I got a package, and it was the ring! My brother bought it for me! One of the nicest things. I felt guilty because it was so much money but my brother told me not to worry about it. I really do have the best brother ever. I love him a lot.
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