covert_ - February 5th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 5th, 2010

I love you more than songs can say but I can't keep running after yesterday [Feb. 5th, 2010|11:28 pm]
[mood |sad]
[music |Taking Back Sunday- Make Damn Sure]

Today wasn't my day. I am sad. Today in history we had to pick partners for a project and everyone had a partner but me. That makes me sad :( I really don't have many friends at all. On the weekends I only hang out with Tori. I don't mind because I know Tori is a true friend and the things I talk to her about I couldn't ever talk to anyone else about. But I still get upset when I see my old friends post pictures on facebook very happy and defiantly having fun...while I'm at home. That makes me sad. & what makes me angry is..they are just so fake. Chloe has said so many mean things about Senni and today she hung out with her. That is just so fake. I hate people like that. It makes me want to pull my hair out. Is it sad that I can only name my true friends on one hand?

Yesterday I saw pictures of Jimmy and this girl and I got jealous so I talked to Chloe about it and she made me feel bad. She said "Just go to Jimmy's house and get used and never get a text from him." I know, I know "the truth hurts". But that was harsh..and I didn't get used. He made no promies, we did not go out. I'm not saying you have to go out with someone to get used. But in my eyes, getting used would mean him telling me he had deep fellings for me to just get in my pants. He did not do that. He never told me he liked me. I went to his house knowing exactly what was going to happen. I wasn't expecting anything more or less. I don't have to prove myself to her. I don't care what she thinks. But that still hurt. I always feel ashamed and broken with what happened because I let it happen. I hope things get better. Please.
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