covert_ - February 11th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 11th, 2010

If I last through this winter, I swear to you now...I won't call. [Feb. 11th, 2010|01:24 am]
[mood |okay]
[music |Pierce the Veil- She makes dirty words sound pretty]

Kingy ate my retainers which cost $250. Great. My mom was very angry. :/ I've been crying an awful lot lately. Last night I was pretty sad and I got a text from Jimmy..and Nicky. It felt like a test bc usually when I'm upset I will text Jimmy...but I didn't answer. Sucks though because I still wish I did. I know its best though that his texts remain unanswered. I had only one day of school this week due to all the snow and I won't be back in school till Tuesday because I already had off friday and monday. I am really sick of this weather and the dreadful snow.
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