covert_ - February 21st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 21st, 2010

You can't be dehonest to the one you love and expect them to honestly love you. [Feb. 21st, 2010|07:18 pm]
[mood |moody]
[music |Jack Johnson- Better together]

So since I was so upset and embarrassed I put my phone face down and on silent from 6 pm. Once I woke up I looked at it and I had two messages from Joey -

7:27 - I thought you were coming
12:25 am - are you kidding me

I had two missed calls too. One at 11:43 and one at 12:37 am. I even had a text message from Carmine saying that Joey is pissed that I didn't come and hangout with him. I texted Joey and said "Call me once you get up. Joe I texted you two times and you didn't answer either of my texts and I was so pissed I put my phone on silent the whole night." He says he answered the texts and I never answered him back...? We get in a fight and I write him four long text messages where he just replies "k." on everyone. It was very aggravating. Then I said "Are you saying we're done?" & he said "I didn't say anything". O. Cool. He obviously is lying and making me look like the bad guy which just gets me so mad. He swears he texted me back but why would I not get those texts, but then get the one at 7:27? Makes no sense at all. & now hes mad at me where it should be the other way around. I did nothing wrong. He never texted me.
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[ viewing | February 21st, 2010 ]
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