covert_ - March 15th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 15th, 2010

The worst way to love someone is to sit next to them, knowing they don’t love you back. [Mar. 15th, 2010|07:29 pm]
[mood |okay]
[music |Eminem- Spend some time]

Joseph completly ignored me one day in school which got me a little upset. By the end of the week though I had somewhat gotten over the whole situation with him. We had only talked once the whole week. I get a call from him on friday. "Go to the movies."
"I can't, sorry."
"Your gay."
"I promised my friend I'd hangout with him."
"Go burn in a fire and die."
*dial tone*


Then, Mono immes me today and he's like "Joey wanted to chill with you." I'm like "yeah..well I already had plans." and he's like "Well joey is an ass. He talks to my cousin." I'm like "I don't care. We don't talk anyway."

If what Mono is saying is true, what an asshole move. haha. Whateeeeeever! I'm done with eveything this kid brings.

Yesterday I went to yoga wtih my Dad, his girlfriend, Christina, and Stefanie. Speaking of my dad's girlfriend, I haven't really wrote about her but she is really sweet and I like her a lot. She stays here every couple weekends.
link1 suicide note|talk shit

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