covert_ - March 21st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 21st, 2010

And now my sandcastles fall like the ashes of cigarettes [Mar. 21st, 2010|09:39 pm]
[mood |sleepy]

On Friday I slept over Tori's house. I haven't seen her in a while so it was nice :) I slept over her house. On Saturday I hung out with Matty, his friend Joe, and Tori. We walked around and just hung out. Around 1:30 Jocelyn drove us to the Saint Patty's Parade on the boardwalk. I got free water ice at Rita's :) It was soo nice out. It's been really nice out lately. After the parade I went back to Tori's house and we waited for Allie to come over. I haven't seen Allie since December! I knew it would be awkward when she first got to Tori's house..and boy was it. We used to be the three musketeers, but things have changed. There was a lot of awkward silences. We went on the beach and sat and talked for a little, then eventually met up with Nate, Oliver, Colleen, and Joe. We watched Matty's baseball practice and then met up with some other people. Later we headed to Colleen's house and just fooled around and watched t.v. It was a good day.

Jimmy texted me today and I didn't answer. I rarely ever think about him and I never want to be with him. When I started to talk to Joe, all my feelings for Jimmy faded. I don't know what I was thinking before. & as for Eric...Oh my god, he's one of the reasons why I want school to end. I hate having him in my class. He is so annoying and concieted. I barely talk to him in class anymore because I can't stand him. When my mind would wander I always used to think "If Eric wanted to kiss me right now, would I?" and my answer would always be "yeah, why not?" Now, the answer is HELLLLLLLLLL NO! and it feels so good :) It really does just take time. I used to never regret what I did with Eric, but now I do. I mean, I don't dwell on it, and cry at night. But I do wish I didn't do anything with him, because he didn't deserve any of it.

I just finished The Last Song and it was one of the best books I've ever read. I cried hysterically for about 60 pages. Books like that always make me think differently. It gives me hope, and makes all the boys I've liked look like shit haha. It also shows me that things could be worse. I really am waiting for my prince charming :)
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