covert_ - March 25th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 25th, 2010

And if you did this to have me hurt well bitch, it worked. [Mar. 25th, 2010|03:07 pm]
[mood |aggravated]
[music |Mayday Parade- Three cheers for five years]

hey marissa. sorry i would text you this but my phone is dead like always, and i am not really sure where the charger is. so what i am gonna about to say im pretty sure you dont even want to think or talk about, but i feel that it is right to tell you and let you know, rather then holding it in and you hearing bits and pieces from other people, probably many would be rumors. so not to long ago i told you that i didn't like eric. well im not saying that i lied becuase i didn't, however im not really knowing what im feeling now. i think i might have some feelings for eric. now i know you are probably thinking wtf is she really serious right now? but im not trying to hurt you in any way at all. the thing is i cannot hold back the way i feel back. i have tried and its hard. but i dont want to go out with eric, not only because i dont want to hurt you but also because my parents specially told im not allowed to date, and also i dont want a boyfriend. but i need to know your honest answer, are you over eric? and if i were to hangout with him or talk to him, would that drastically effect our friendship so badly that we wouldnt never talk again? and if you were to say yeah senni i reallly feel uncomfortable about all this, and i wouldnt be able to friends with you, then i will drop him and everything. but please you need to know im not trying to hurt you at all in anyway. its not like i woke up today and thought hey today im gonna attempt to hurt marissa. i swear im not. but please just answer me back and tell me how you really feel. also marissa i am extremly sorry i feel this way about eric, but my feelings are mixed so idk. also another reason why i probably wouldnt go out with him is because i saw everything that he has done to you, and it was so awful and sometimes i wonder why the hell would i feel this way about a guy that has done that to one of my friends? but idk whats wrong with me, and i feel like a terrible person to you for even thinking these things, but please i know i already said this but answer me back, even though i know you dont want to talk about this.

hey. to be perfectly honestly im not shocked. i knew you guys talked, so i knew you were somewhat lying about not talking to him from the very beginning. i have no feelings for eric what so ever. not in the slightest, i don't look at him the same as i did last year, or even in the beginning of this year. would this hurt our friendship? probably not, because as you can tell it had already been broken when you did this the first time. ive always said that i knew he would do this to me, but not you. and you did it in the beginning and you swore you'd never talk to him again..and you did. but this time around i don' care that you guys talk. of course you can date him, hangout with him, kiss him, or do anything else with him. its your life. i dont understand though how you can complain and cry to tell me about devan doing this to you with robby..but yet you can do this to me with eric?? that makes no sense. what so ever. you saw everything he did to me, and you saw everything he did to courtney. but you can't help who you have feelings for. would this make you a bad friend? thats not for me to say. im not going to cry over this, or even be mad in the slightest so don't worry about that. its your life, do what you want

you are absolutly right about me and him talking. and i agree with you about our friendship it has been broken, and you are right i am being a hypercrite about the whole devan thing which i am over, and i admit it. and i know i have saw the things eric has done to you and courtney and your right i cannot help who i have feelings for. but thankyou for answering me and i am sorry for all of this. but who knows i might not even do anything with eric. im just telling you this. and i bet you think im being stupid for putting myself in this position, where i could possibly get extremly hurt. but i know what i could be getting into.

Good friend right? i don't remember if i ever wrote about the time they had a thing but she hid it from me and then i found out. but yeah, they are apparently in love. so those fuckers can do what they want. im in a bad mood. My family likes to leave king out of his cage over and over again even though they know hes not potty trained! & that results in him somehow getting into my closed bedroom door and pissing all over my roo. I'm also pissed because even though I got more then 10 comments on my hair about how good it looked, Joey gave me the most disgusted look when he saw me. Wahhhhh. . Adrian joked "remember me when you become a model"...but i still felt self- conscious about my hair because I haven't worn it curly in so long..and i didn't really like it and now joey's look just ruined it all together. BYEBYEBYE.
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