covert_ - April 17th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 17th, 2010

I'm sorry I hurt you..but you taught me how. [Apr. 17th, 2010|05:33 pm]
[mood |crappy]
[music |Angels & Airwaves- Lifeline]

Where to begin...
Saw Joey everywhere in school. We just walked past each other and didn't look each other in the eyes. As if we were strangers. As if what happened between us didn't happen. He didn't care. He didn't go into my lunch the whole week. He has a "thing" with this girl Tanya. Tanya has been going out with this kid Dante for more than a year but shes realized shes never stopped loving Joe. (they used to go out in seventh grade. I'm getting all this information from a friend of a friend of dante's. haha) Anyway, her and Dante are done and she will probably start going out with Joey. In school Tanya gives me death stares. She looks at me as if I'm scum. Tori told me she passed Tanya and Joey one day and Tanya said "If I see her, I'm going to say something." I didn't really understand why Tori told me this. Because I've never talked to Tanya in my life so why would Tori even think Tanya was referring to me. But it came clear to me that it was in fact me..I was walking to my locker when I saw Tanya and Joey walking there too. I was like shit. But I couldn't turn around because they already saw me. I quicky went to my locker and was putting my code in as I hear Tanya scream "....but you won't let me say anything to her!!!" I don't know what she said before that..but yeah..and from the corner of my eye I saw her do something behind my back. Like get real close to me and put her arms back, with her hands clenched. Its really hard to describe but I'm sure you know what I mean. Like pretending to hit me almost. Anyway, I don't know why she wants to talk me...I did nothing. She technically had a boyfriend when Joey and me kissed so why would she care? & Joey got with 3 other people..and she was there for every single one of them.

On a different note, Joey tore his acl which is pretty serious. Karma.

I get a missed call from Joey on thursday. I call him back. He says "Whats up shawtyyyyyyy." Then hangs up. I text him saying O.
This is our convo
J: that wasn't me so don't try and get big
M: i'm not trying to get big.
J:K it was matt so dont text me saying O
M: I'm pretty sure if I called you and then hung up, you'd say O too
J: No I wouldnt cuz I wouldn't answer
M: k joe sorry
M: Did you mean to call me earlier or was that matt too
J: I didnt fucking call u u dumbass
M: You called me at 4 25..chill
J: Dont fucking text me. I didn't call u bye

I know his voice, it wasn't Matt. & me and matt aren't he'd never call me. & obviously my name had to been brought up if matt did call me.

I deserve to be treated like this? I haven't talked to him for a week, since that night. & this is how he's going to treat me?
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[ viewing | April 17th, 2010 ]
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