covert_ - May 18th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 18th, 2010

Hope you come down with something they can't diagnose, don't have a cure for. [May. 18th, 2010|03:59 pm]
[mood |blank]
[music |Brand New- Seventy times 7]

My day was awful.
It all started with Joey coming into my lunch. He kept calling my name and I wouldn't come over to his table. Finally, I had enough and went over. He didn't even need anything and start whispering about me to Kane and Mono. I walked away and then came back over. I said "If you can say shit when I walk away, why can't you say shit to my face?" I sat down and he started laughing and telling me to leave. I was like NOOO, TELL ME THE FUCK WHAT YOU SAID. He kept being childish and a little fucking baby and would not tell me. Mono kept laughing. I was like , "Mono your so two faced. Don't try and text me later." and he's like "what? i can't be happy." Im like wtf?
Anyway, they say some stupid shit..but later i'm walking by them and Mazza was like HEY! and Joey was like ew. Then Mazza was like I heard Marissa sucks mean dick. I just stood there with my face red. I said O. Everyone starts laughing. Joey's like who said that? and Mazza's like Jimmy. Marissa Gave head to jimmy!! Joey was like "shes good at the wackdy wack too!" No one heard him but me, so he said it again. They all laughed. Like hyenas. Vicious. Evil. I stood there, helpless, each word felt like a slap in the face. They all started crowding around me asking me if its true and I deny it. Then I walk away. Mono texts me and is like "Swallowed too." and im like " SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOUR SO FUCKING MATURE. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE, DON'T TALK TO ME EVER AGAIN." and he's like "what are you and your beard gonna attack me lmaooo." I didn't even reply.
Later, I walked down the hallway and Mono and Joey screamed Ew countless times. People are so mean, and heartless. They almost made me cry. I made a mistake, okay. I get it. I wish I didn't do it, but I don't deserve this. AND, I could say so much shit to both of them!! Mono, your FACE looks like a pizza. STFUUUUUUUUUUU. But no, I don't. I can't wait till they get their karma. I.CAN.NOT.WAIT.

..........Good things are on their way. I hope
link3 suicide notes|talk shit

Got my eye on the prize. See my haters, tell em' hi! [May. 18th, 2010|08:34 pm]
[mood |listless]

Joe: Who the fuck are you calling a scumbag
Me: I never even said that. who told you that? you were being so rude to me in the hallway..maybe I should of said something..but I didn't.
J: Go fuck yourself I didn't do anything to you
M: u didn't do anything to me? really? how bout never talk to me again after i did what u wanted..and everything u said to me today...but okay.
J: It was a one time thing you act like we went out. I was drunk and got a hand job I'm not a dick but you make it hard to be nice by talking shit.
M: I understand that but u didn't have to say u liked me that night to get me to do that. and i dont talk about you. its over with, theres nothing to say. and u were the one whispering about me.
J: Your right bye
link2 suicide notes|talk shit

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