covert_ - May 23rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 23rd, 2010

Got me like oh my gosh I'm so in love... [May. 23rd, 2010|02:55 pm]
[mood |hopeful]
[music |The Maine- This is the end]

I will write about friday.
So, my ID went missing on thursday and I was pretty pissed because on friday I'd have to go out of my way and go in another entrance and pay a dollar. I do all this on friday and I get a text from Bri saying "Mono has ur id." in spanish. My face gets red and I get so mad!!!!!! Wtf, why does this kid have my id? I text Bri asking her why he has it and I storm out of Spanish class when the bells rings. I go down the hallways, eying everyone down. Searching for Mono!!!!!!!!!! I find him and I say WHERE THE FUCK IS MY ID. He gives it to me without saying a word and I start screaming at him at the top of my lungs. No exaggeration. I then walk away but then I see in the corner of my eye Joey Joyce walk toward Mono. It then hits me Mono didn't even come to school on thursday so I thought Joey stole my ID and gave it to Mono. I walk back over which might of been a bad idea but I didn't care! I go back over and I start screaming at Joey saying DON'T TOUCH MY SHIT!!!!!!! 1I019210@)(!*@(!)@*(!@( I'm screaming everything I can. I didn't look around but I'm sure people are staring at us. Joey is like "wtf I didn't steal your shit you stupid bitch" and we're both cursing at each other and calling each other names. Bri is texting me through out all this. I finally walk away. I then read Bri's text which says she found my ID in her bag and Mono stole it from her and wouldn't give it back. So I yelled at Joey for no reason, but oh well. He deserved it anyway.
In class Joey and I are texting yelling at each other. He tells ME to stop talking to him. That got me sooooooo mad! Me, talk to him? I'm the one who looks the other way when he comes near me, and tries to avoid him the best I can. He's the one calling my name in lunch and trying to come up to me and say shit. So I went off. He eventually says if I text back he's going to "get me fucked up". I don't want to stop - I want to get the last word in. But I know it's not worth it. Next period Mono texts me about 20320 times saying the cruelest things. How Joe only used me and I'm a stupid "trick" and ugly and blah blah blah. I said mean things back this time. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't just sit back and let them call me names. I can't ignore them. I blew up, and I crashed. I couldn't take all this stress so I asked my sister to come pick me up.

I hate them all and I want them to leave me alooooooone. !@#$(*(@*#(@#*(#(@398

On a much better note -

Yesterday I went to Matt's house and I swam in his heated pool. His friend Joe was there too who I've met two other times. Joe is so cute and has a great personality. He was telling me what he wants to do when hes older and a lot about himself. He wants to join the peace corp and travel the world and he plays piano and guitar!!! He kept talking about how he just got payed and he wanted to treat us all. Me and Matt said that was sweet, but no. He kept begging us and he paid for our whole dinner - drinks and all! What a gentleman. He was actually someone you can have a real conversation with. He was telling me and Matt he wanted to pierce his lip and Matty was calling him a fag but I told him it'd look good. Which it would..soooo good..Then he was talking about his views on belly button rings saying he thinks its trashy, especially if a girl has a dangly one. I don't know, I kinda like em'. Hahah I want my belly button pierced eventually. I then asked him how he feels about nose piercings and he said he thinks its really hot. I told him I really wanted mine done :) Which I do. The night was defiantly refreshing and I was in a good mood! I needed a swim in the pool and a night to laugh. Later in the night me and Joe went outside to get our stuff..and I really wanted to kiss him. I've never wanted to kiss someone so bad. We didn't though, but I did get a nice hug goodbye :o) He immed me when I got home and we had a nice talk..he said this about me getting my nose pierced -
Joe -you should, haha. be madd cute. not that you arent without it, haha.
He asked for my number and told me to text him. Lets hope this is a better Joe =P lol.
Again, he was such a gentleman! Thats the kind of guy I'm supposed to like. Not Joey Joyce. Some scumbag who things hes from the hood but hes just really from Brigantine. I defiantly like the wrong guys and I haven't made good choices. What did I really think was gonna happen with me and Joey? I make poor judgment - but I'm working on it.
link1 suicide note|talk shit

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