covert_ - June 1st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 1st, 2010

You may make mistakes, but you are not a failure until you start blaming someone else. [Jun. 1st, 2010|11:11 pm]
[mood |weird]

I really need to start writing more frequently. I think the last thing I talked about was Joe. Well...that didn't work out! Hahaha. He's honestly awesome. Probably one of the best guys I've met so far. He's everything I looked for. Everything I kinda dreamed :/ Except the brown eyes. Thats gotta go. But I LOVED that he could play piano. He was funny and SUCH a gentleman. And he hated math..and he worked..and he liked nose rings...and liked the bachelor...and golfed...wahhhhh. We had so much in common. BUT, atleast I got to see theres really guys like him out there :) Maybe I should say why it didn't work out..haha..OKAY, so when we texted it was great but then we stopped and I would creep on his facebook and it was pretty clear he was talking to someone else. ( a blonde O.O) I hung out with him again and it just wasn't the same :/ and Ilana followed us around the whole time with her huge tits were out like usual!! Grrrrrrr. I thought he might like her but I'm relieved that I just got off the phone with Matty and he told me that he does talk to that other girl I saw on facebook.

I am dissapointed but atleast Joe didn't get to fully know me, and then chose someone else. That would of hurt more. I'm happy it was with a girl that he knew better than me. But I do feel sad that she is probably better than me. I have hope that this won't be the last of Joe. At times I'll start to feel a little sad but I try to stay positive. One day when I wasn't with Joe, Matty's butt dialed me..and Joe was playing the piano. At first I thought it was Matty being cruel like HA HA but then Matty later told me his butt called me. I don't think it was his butt though. I think it was someone trying to let me listen.. :) Not joe, just a high power, like a god.

I had a four day weekend ;D It was pretty great. Friends and beach :o)
Oh ya..and I tried pot yesterday. I didn't get high (most don't their first time). It was a weird experience and I don't ever want to attempt to get high again. Well next time I probably would haha. But yeah, I just don't think its for me. And I don't want to become dependent on it for my happiness because I know a lot of people that do.

I haven't talked about me kissing Mikey which maybe I should write about..Well I was talking to Mikey for a little bit and we hung out one day and kissed. Not makeout. & he's okay...but he's in love with his ex girlfriend which is a bummmer. Oh well. I keep looking for someone. I need to stoppppppppppppppp

A couple nights ago a feeling came across me that I never thought I'd have. "I miss Joey." I don't know how I could miss someone that is so cruel and heartless. Who doesn't care about me in anyway, who made me cry so much..and put me through so much. But I miss him. I miss the other Joey tho, the one I used to know. I hated myself when I realized I missed Joey. I basically felt retarted. After ALL he did to me, and I'm going to miss him!? Whats wrong with me! Maybe I just miss his huge massive arms around me, suffocating me in his great big hug. Yeah, thats what I miss most.
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