covert_ - June 24th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 24th, 2010

Don't waste your time on me, you're already the voice inside my head. [Jun. 24th, 2010|03:02 pm]
[mood |indifferent]
[music |Shontelle - Impossible]

I haven't wrote in soo long! Wow. Updates : Well, school has ended. I finished last tuesday. I smoked pot for the first time like three weeks ago or so. I didn't get high and I don't want to smoke again. Just something I wanted to try, but I don't like the whole "inhaling smoke" idea. I don't work so all my days are free, which I like. I go to the beach almost everyday and hang out with my friends and just have a good time :) I got really drunk one night and I threw up a lot :/ Recently Tori has been wanting to drink a lot more then she used to. I don't really understand her motives and I question her a lot. She says she just wants to be "carefree". I don't know, but her wanting to drink more and smoke has defiantly pushed us apart. We still are really close, but I don't really feel the same way I used to about her. Joey and Tanya broke up last night. I found out via facebook. I think about him a lot but I am dealing with it. The other Joe, the much more lovelier one, IMed me a couple days and he wants to hangout. I really hope we do this weekend!!! He's ahmazing :o) My dream come true would be for us to kiss. Yipppe!!!!! Hahaha i'm soo corny. But I want him! :o) Matty had "Like this and i'll rate you 1-10 " on his facebook status and I liked it and he put an 8 on my page, and Joe commented it and was like "9.6...." hahahah love him! I just finished a really good book called Tell No One, it was so good and I haven't really read a book like it. My sister, Stefanie, had gotten something taken out (I don't really know the name of it) and they found benign and cancerous cells in it, and now she has to get her uterus taken out because there's cancerous cells there, and they can't have it spread. Taking out her uterus would result in her not being able to have babies :'( She is very distraught and so is her husband Tim. Actually, especially Tim because he's been pushing her for babies but she keeps saying there's no rush. My family is really upset and my mom is really sad. But there is somewhat good news - they are going to freeze my sister's eggs and Tim's sperm and then artificially inseminate my other sister, Christina. So Christina would be carrying the baby. Christina is twenty. Its weird picturing her pregnant o.o I think Christina might be artificially inseminated much sooner then we would of thought because she doesn't want her giving birth to interfere with her finals next year so she'd give birth in July, or something like that. I don't know but its a blessing they found the cancer in Stefanie so soon and she's going to be okay and thats all that matters. I feel really bad for Tim though. I'm sure a lot of things are running through their minds like - can we only have one kid now? Because I highly doubt they could ask Christina to hold another baby for her. Maybe they'll ask me to hold the other one day. Hm, I don't know. On a new subject.. Mono apologized. Did I already write this? Anyway, ya he apologized and I was like ya ya whatever. He is a very insecure boy and I'm just grateful and happy he won't be attending my highschool next year. Thank the lord :-) Well, I will update on me and widdle Joseph and hopfully its good newsss!!!
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