covert_ - July 2nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 2nd, 2010

Te amo, te amo. Don't it mean I love you........ [Jul. 2nd, 2010|11:10 pm]
[mood |optimistic]
[music |Rihanna- Te amo]

Welllll welllll. The Joe department = confusing. Basically, it shows he doesn't really like me that much. He told Matty he wants him to hook us up. Well actually I should start from the beginning. Okay, so after we hooked up we talked and then we just stopped. & I found out that he was talking to that girl Amanda! Idk if I mentioned her before..but when I thought we could become a thing last time he was talking to her. So we kinda stopped talking and then randomly one night he texted me and this is what he said to matty. " can u hook me up with marissa bc i like her and i just told amanda she was a hoe and that i didnt like her, because well she is, and i think i like marissa" .......but Idk, I feel likeeee he doesn't show it! Some days he'll be all flirty, but next he'll feel distant. Its stupid. WHATEVER!
I can have a great summer just hanging out with my lovely friends :)
Tori's friend, Hana, is down from Florida who I've met last summer and she's really fun and I like her a lot :))))))))
Summer = Carefree! I don't need a guy to have fun!
"You don't need a boyfriend to know you are loved."
link1 suicide note|talk shit

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