covert_ - August 16th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 16th, 2010

I don't love me. & thats how I understand why you don't either. [Aug. 16th, 2010|01:19 am]
[mood |crushed]
[music |Never shout never-iloveyoumorethenyouwilleverknow]

Joe broke up with my on Wednesday. It was no shocker because before this he was acting weird and shady before this. I constantly asked myself if he truely did like me. When I put our relationship on facebook he accepted the request but then deleted it off his wall. I was like what? That hurt. Did he not want anyone to know about us? It didn't really make sense because when we were with people everyone knew we were a couple and he'd kiss me infront of people and have his arm around me the whole time. So it was weird. I asked him why he deleted it, if he didn't want anyone to know. & he said "I didn't want the notifications" Which was bullshit. Who doesn't want notifications?? & why wouldn't you want to know what people would say..people would just like it. Makes no sense. ANYWAY, basically it just didn't work out. He texted me and said "marissa I really like you but I just don't want a girlfriend" I said I understand. he said sorry:/but can we still like hangout? I said surely. he said okay :) later he texted me and told me he was in ventnor I purposely answered 2 hours later. Does he really expect me to hangout with him after we just broke up??? Is he kidding.

I get upset really easily. When I see things like him commenting another girl on facebook flirting, I get upset. So I hid him. So he wouldn't come up on my newsfeed and I promised myself I wouldn't go on his facebook.
Theres this girl thats going to be a freshman at Joe's highschool and shes gorgeous. The kind of pretty that makes you really insecure. I would always think about her and how she was going to Joe's school and that'd make me upset, because I knew he thought she was really hot. It was honestly my worst nightmare that they'd talk. I'd always think about it and it'd upset me. I always wished I could go to his school and it'd make me want to kill her because she was.I go on her facebook and he liked that she was single. Then today he wrote on her wall and said....

K- kiss worthy
A- amazing
T- the cutest
H- hottt.
L- loveable
E- alright thats a really hard letter sorry :/
E- :/
N- Nice.

.................kiss worthy? O. Then Liam starts commenting the post saying how shes single and Joe should get at her. Joe says don't worry ma dude, already got her digits. Then him and Kat started talking and flirting

I burst out in tears. I was doing fine. I was doing okay. Till I saw this. It hurtsssssss and I'm so jealous and I already hid him but he just keeps coming up everywhere. Should I just stop with facebook? I know I need to stop going on Kathleens page. Facebook gets me so upset.

I feel so ugly and unwanted and not good enough. AGAIN. Idk why, its just a boy marissa!!!! What the fuck
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