covert_ - August 21st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 21st, 2010

You told me you couldn't live without me, so why aren't you dead yet? [Aug. 21st, 2010|10:23 pm]
[mood |good]
[music |Gym Class Heroes- Faces in the hall]

I've been feeling a lot better about the Joe situation and I've been keeping busy. I went to Wildwood with Chloe today and it was really fun. Yesterday I went to Brigantine to visit Bri and I met a lot of people. One kid asked me for my number. He was okay looking. Not really interested. ANYWAY, when I saw that I got a text from a number unknown today I'm not gonna lie, I wanted it to be Joe. (I deleted Joe's number) I think about Joe often but I've accepted the fact that things just didn't work out, and its okay.
School is soon and I can't wait! Ventnor still didn't get their schedules and I want mine so bad! Oliver and Greg are coming to Ac this year so I'm excited.
link1 suicide note|talk shit

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