covert_ - August 25th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 25th, 2010

Fuck you forever [Aug. 25th, 2010|02:41 am]
[mood |furious]
[music |Demi Lovato- Remember December]

I hate everyone right now. All my friends are awful and not true friends at all. It's so hard trying to be happy and keeping preoccupied when my freinds are fucking HORRIBLE.

Senni - Fuck you. This is the third time she has talked to Eric behind my back. I don't care how long its been. It's fucked up to talk to your bestfriends ex. She had him over her house and all this other bullshit and the only reason why she told me is because she knew people were telling me and I was finding out on my own. She is a cunt. Fuck you Senni.

Tori- She tells me to text to her and when I do she doesn't reply. I find out Ilana had a bunch of people over since her parents are gone and Tori doesn't invite me? Haha. Just got a text from her saying "Get ready to party tmmrw." Why dind't you reply to my text? "ahhhh I'm sorry I read it and replied and told Colleen to come instead." K. Your a fucking liar. If Tori realized she texted Colleen..why couldn't she fucking text me and tell me to come over. Makes no sense. K fuck everyone n!)(@*!)(@*(!@*(
I'm in such a bad mood and I have no friends.

Fuck everything
link1 suicide note|talk shit

Scars don't heal when you keep cutting [Aug. 25th, 2010|03:01 am]
[mood |depressed]

A cutter is never cured when they keep cutting
The razor will never be dull if you constantly make sure its sharp

Don't worry, I'm not going to cut myself
I'm just going to fall asleep and hope I don't wake up
link1 suicide note|talk shit

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