covert_ - June 10th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 10th, 2011

You're the one who knows me best, tell me why I'm so depressed. [Jun. 10th, 2011|11:06 am]
[mood |quixotic]
[music |Parachute - The mess I made]

Well, that's it. School is over. I now have a four day weekend because I don't have to take any more finals till Tuesday. Tuesday will be my last day. It's weird, I'm gonna be a JUNIOR. Right now I practically am a junior. :'( I loved all my classes this year. I loved being in classes with Adrian once again. I love him so much and if I don't have any classes with him next year I'll be heartbroken. I loved getting close with Anjelica and Sydney. And having Ozlack in my classes once again. I loved having Kyle in my math class and I can't imagine not having classes with Greg next year. Maybe this year wasn't as bad as I thought it was. It actually was pretty some ways.

This summer will hold many possibilities. This summer will open multiple doors for me. This summer will teach me about myself. This summer I'll love my job. This summer I'll spend so much time with my friends. This summer I'll go camping. This summer I'll be the happiest I've ever been. This summer I will finally be okay.

I'm gonna have more than two months to try and focus on myself. To be apart from Robby. A tear is rolling down my face as I write this, im gay. bye. NO HI. Anyway, I know this is what I need but that doesn't make it any easier to accept. I have to let go and say goodbye. Wait, actually why do I have to say goodbye? All this time I've been trying to say goodbye. Trying to write him letters of goodbye for closer for myself, trying to type out a stupid message I don't want to write. Why do I have to say GOODBYE? Why can't I say "See you later."

That sounds almost perfect.

See you later, Robby.
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