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[04 Sep 2017|02:28pm]
I've needed some time to even think about what I could or what I should say regarding the death of one of the most incredible witches I've ever had the pleasure to know. When I was in school I doubt I would have said the same thing, but even though she was retired Minerva McGonagall was one of the most intelligent, brave, and helpful witches I've ever had the pleasure to work with. Through many months of correspondence, she helped mentor me and acquaint me with the castle in a way far different than I knew it as a student. She helped me learn some valuable teaching skills, and she taught me how to manage a group of rowdy pre-teens simply by walking into a room (that lesson she had the grace to come to the castle to demonstrate. It was amusing to watch the children freeze entirely the moment she walked in).

I still had a lot to learn from her, and I will miss having her as a mentor dearly.

[ viewing | September 4th, 2017 ]
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