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[12 Sep 2017|09:17pm]
What complete and utter shite that came over the airwaves today. I'm still livid.

Can you believe people actually think I'm a kidnapper? What the bloody hell.

[04 Sep 2017|02:28pm]
I've needed some time to even think about what I could or what I should say regarding the death of one of the most incredible witches I've ever had the pleasure to know. When I was in school I doubt I would have said the same thing, but even though she was retired Minerva McGonagall was one of the most intelligent, brave, and helpful witches I've ever had the pleasure to work with. Through many months of correspondence, she helped mentor me and acquaint me with the castle in a way far different than I knew it as a student. She helped me learn some valuable teaching skills, and she taught me how to manage a group of rowdy pre-teens simply by walking into a room (that lesson she had the grace to come to the castle to demonstrate. It was amusing to watch the children freeze entirely the moment she walked in).

I still had a lot to learn from her, and I will miss having her as a mentor dearly.

[17 Aug 2017|10:56pm]
I killed my son

Would someone please... could someone please...

I'm afraid I...

[tear drops]

I need someone to help with Adair. Could someone please contact me? It's an emergency, and I'm afraid to floo to my parents with him right now.

[02 Aug 2017|07:55pm]
A question to the parents out there...

When you shrink (or would shrink if your child is older) your child's nappy bag for travel, how did you keep the nappies from losing their absorbency? For some reason when I'm shrinking Adair's bag, his nappies never seem to retain absorbency. Should I alter the spell slightly before doing a shrinking charm?

In other news, Adair and I will be spending next week at Hogwarts for a trial run before the term starts. Additionally, there will be staff meetings and many things to do to prepare for classes that it will be a wonderful opportunity for us to spend time at the castle. Is anyone still living near Hogsmede?

[16 Jul 2017|08:48pm]
It's hard to believe that summer is almost halfway over. Just a few short weeks until September 1st when school starts back up again. It's been very wonderful spending the summer here at mum and dad's and getting the chance to bond with Adair.

We've been playing outside a lot since the weather has been so nice. And look at this little lad go! Nine months old and he's nearly ready to walk.

You still haven't come to see us yet, and Adair's been home for a month. When you finish work early one night, come and spend some time with us at the house.

Thanks for taking this picture of Adair the other day. It's hard to believe he's here, but here he is! Dinner sometime soon, perhaps?

[08 Jul 2017|09:20pm]

Millicent Bulstrode )

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