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[30 Nov 2004|03:38pm]
from an LJ friend's journal:

hold your head up! moving on...

^ guess where thats from and you could win a blow job!

The use of "could" here is subtle and important. i am ridiculously impressed. (i also was the first to answer correctly, though for sport and not sexual favor, and was referred to the use of "could" in the original entry.)
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lyrics stuff [30 Nov 2004|11:18pm]
[ music | Nelly Furtado - Turn Off the Light / The Sounds - Rock'n'Roll ]

I'm running, I'm running, catch up with me life / Where is the love that I'm looking to find )

You know I like it loud / You should know me by now )
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[ viewing | November 30th, 2004 ]
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