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joke of the day [14 Sep 2005|10:28pm]
Q: Do you know what Bush thinks about Roe v. Wade? )
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too true/funny [06 Sep 2005|11:09pm]
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[01 Sep 2005|10:28pm]
[ mood | tired ]

no matter how early i try to go to bed (like tonight when i thought i'd go to bed at 8pm), i can't seem to even get to the bedroom before 10:30pm.

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an overly intellectual joke. [29 Aug 2005|12:48am]
A woman walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a double entendre.
The bartender gives it to her.
(heard on tonight's Joe Frank on NPR)
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insomnia writes a confused letter [24 Aug 2005|11:59pm]
[ music | Portishead - Only You ]

Dear XXXXX*,

It's been a strange night and despite having just barely managed to stay awake the whole way home, I now can't sleep.  Anxiety has been creeping up on me all night, I think, and the little Ativan I'm willing to take this close to when I have to wake up in the morning doesn't seem to be enough to beat it back.

It's quiet and lonely here.  I feel like I should call you.  I feel like I should call you and tell you everything, try to get it all straightened out in my mind by pouring it all out in front of someone I trust... or I feel like I should call and tell you to just keep talking, that I just need to hear your voice for a little while so maybe I can sleep.  But what if I called you and it didn't help?  If I told you everything or if I just listened to your voice for a while and it didn't leave me feeling better, I think I'd feel worse for not feeling better and therein the anxiety builds and starts to eat away at me and has me writing this rather than calling you.

I wish I knew when I started feeling this way... though actually, I suppose I do know--I think I've always had these heavy moments of anxiety and self-doubt and second-guessing.  Always.  How horrible is that?  I don't know why.  I should just stop writing this, maybe quit while I'm ahead, before I've said too much about myself and...  Maybe I should just call you.  Maybe I should tell you everything.  Maybe I should just listen to the sound of your voice.

Maybe I should stop thinking and worrying and trying to stay ahead of fate/destiny/the future--maybe I should just let go of all that and just do.  Maybe I should just go to bed and leave all the maybes and feelings to tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow (and maybe I'll even see you out of the corner of my eye or hear an echo of your voice as I fall asleep).

  - me

* I don't even know who I'm writing this to... a few people have come to mind, but no one seems like quite the right person.

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traffic court [16 Aug 2005|04:40pm]
traffic court was about 3 hours worrying (total) for about 20 minutes of court time, of which only maybe 2 was mine.  oh, and i didn't have to say a word--i got up, handed the proof of insurance and vehicle registration to the attorney for the state, he moved for something or other like dismissal, and the judge granted and ordered the clerk to give me my license.  i then had to wait another minute or so for her to process paperwork and hand it to me and i was done.  it did kind of sap the energy out of the day, though.
it also would have been less time consuming and stressful if i had remembered to take my knife out of my bag before going down there.  i at least realized before being security-screened by the sheriff's deputies, so i went and found a post office and mailed it to myself, but now it'll be a day or two before i have it back.  (of course, had i driven, i could have just left it in the car, but parking downtown is so expensive that for something like this on a day like today, i'd rather waste time on public transit than money on parking.)
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[14 Aug 2005|02:54am]
Poll #188 Readership
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

Do you read my journal?

Yes. (There is no other option because if you didn't, you wouldn't see this to take the survey.)
7 (100.0%)

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quiet friends page [14 Aug 2005|02:53am]
[ mood | curious ]

wow, I had no friends posts on the 13th.  I had one at a few minutes to midnight on the night of the 12th and one at a few minutes after midnight on the morning of the 14th and nothing between.  Maybe I'm the only one sitting at home most of a Saturday being bored off my ass.

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Cute-Bad Pickup Lines [03 Aug 2005|12:00am]
Poll #187 cute bad pickup lines
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

Which of the following pickup lines are cute-bad, like "I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me instead?"

If I had a nickel for every girl as beautiful as you, I'd have five cents.
1 (33.3%)

If you stood in front of a mirror holding 11 roses, you'd see a dozen of the most beautiful things in the world.
1 (33.3%)

If I followed you home, would you keep me?
1 (33.3%)

Can I take your picture? I want Santa to know exactly what I want for Christmas.
2 (66.7%)

Other(s) [specify below]
1 (33.3%)

Other cute-bad pickup line(s):

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one of those nights [01 Aug 2005|04:00am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Massive Attack - Teardrop ]

somewhere, probably in the midst of the last few episodes of Carnivále (having watched the entirety of the two seasons that exist), I fell into one of those moods that used to hit all the time and just don't hit as often anymore.  it's the kind of mood that makes me want something and i can't quite figure out what--for a while, it felt like some kind of chocolate or some other dessert thing, but i knew i didn't feel like ice cream and i couldn't think of anything specific that seemed right.  at some point, it morphed into something musical or a book or... i don't know, some kind of entertainment/media type thing.
now, though, it seems to be in that phase where i keep peeking at my AIM buddy list and the like, hoping to see someone i can talk to just for a little while until i actually feel like i could sleep.  i need to sleep.

love love is a verb...

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is the magic number 4 or 5? [31 Jul 2005|04:30pm]
I'm all good with the first part (though I'm not entirely sure it's plausible), but the second is just shocking.

Part Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

Part Free Love Kisser

Of all the kissing types, you've racked up the most experience
Kissing is no big deal to you - you'll kiss anyone you find hot!
It's easy for you to take the plunge and make the first move.
And you don't really consider kissing to be cheating!

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a few questions for the audience [25 Jul 2005|03:47am]
have you ever been set up on a date? if so, describe.
would you be willing to be set up on a date (again, if you've already been)? why or why not?
have you ever set anyone else up on a date? if so, describe.
would you consider setting anyone up on a date (again, if you already have)? why or why not?
do you know any smart & cute & fun & math/science-y & single women, age 21-31, in the greater chicago metropolitan area? if so, how well do you know them? if not, why don’t you know any?
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[20 Jul 2005|05:17pm]
New Comisky
New Comisky,
originally uploaded by Pix from the Field.
Sox lose, 8-6, against Detroit.

(And no, I have no intention of ever calling it "U.S. Cellular Field," much less "The Cell.")
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mmmm 24 hour korean food [19 Jul 2005|03:49am]
maybe, just maybe, the 24-hour restaurant situation isn't as abysmal as i had thought.
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just like the olden days [14 Jul 2005|04:49am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Galt MacDermot - Coffee Cold ]

so, i came home after dinner, fairly early in the evening (before sunset), planning to settle in and watch a movie or two, then go to bed.  instead, i somehow got sucked into fleshing out my idea for an alumni database web site and after 4 hours or so of hard work, the database itself is in place as is the [relatively] secure login system.  this, i think, was what i'd thought would be the hardest part.  i'm tempted to say that all that's left is to design the interfaces for searching and editing and signing up and to design the admin interface, but describing that as "all that's left" seems like a gross misstatement.  but i'm fairly confident that while all that will certainly take me longer than all the work i did on the login stuff (and setting up the database, but that was easy), all the stuff yet to be done will be much easier to do than the login stuff.
it's still fun to spend all night hacking code and learning stuff and actually completing something, especially having done it more or less just for the hell of it and not for any particular direct [monetary] gain.

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Loveline! [11 Jul 2005|04:03am]
[ mood | happy ]

Loveline on Q101 WCKG105.9 in Chicago!!
I was really worried, when it vanished from Q101, where it had been as long as I'd been listening to it (since high school or so), but just recently WCKG 105.9 picked it up.  So, yeah, if you're in the area and interested in listening to Loveline and talking about it online while listening, leave me a comment.  :)

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[09 Jul 2005|02:27am]
Food at IHOP
Food at IHOP,
originally uploaded by Pix from the Field.
Nothing too exciting. There was a table with one asshole former student, but his friends seemed to talk him out of the idea that I'm actually me. They're gone now though.
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quick notes [09 Jul 2005|12:37am]
  1. small window a/c unit now installed in here is keeping the temperature at nice cold levels (under 70). no more web surfing in the dark (lights add heat) in 85 degree heat.
  2. all of my computers seem to be back in working order, save maybe for the case fan on this desktop PC and perhaps the case fan on my network-attached storage unit.
  3. making the iMac work required a system re-install, so i took advantage of the moment and upgraded to 10.4/Tiger. other than the huge slow-down (processor load spike) when using the dashboard, it's pretty nice.
  4. oh, yeah, i'm back from vegas. i've been back since monday night/tuesday morning. pictures are in the usual place for pictures.
  5. it looks like the not-for-profit thing i wanted to start/do may actually be getting off the ground this summer. incorporation papers are nearly set to go to the state, initial board members are recruited, bylaws are being written, and i've got a meeting with a guy who is likely to help with the tax exempt status application (goes to the IRS) and may even provide some funding.
  6. i'm kind of (really fucking) hungry and i think i'm going to go to IHOP and get food. lame.
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[07 Jul 2005|12:40am]
from [info]beardedlynie:
A formal delegation from a Confucian temple decided to visit a Taoist hermit and seek his advice. When they arrived at his hut unannounced, they were scandalized to find him completely naked. "What are you doing meditating in your hut with no pants on?" they demanded. "The whole world is my hut," he replied. "This small room is my pants. What I want to know is, what are you doing in my pants?"
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vegas this weekend [29 Jun 2005|03:14am]
i'm (somewhat unexpectedly) going to be in vegas from thursday midday to monday early evening.  i'm hoping to come back with interesting pictures and at least as much money as i had when i left.  if anyone reading this might perhaps be in the vegas area and want to meet me, let me know.
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