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[01 Jan 2006|03:03am]
I managed to go to the bar.  Even drunk I’m managing to type mostly coherently (with a few exceptions).  Mariyah is cute cute cute and someday I’d like to have a real conversation with her, but New Year’s Eve isn’t exactly the night to catch a few free minutes with a working bartender…  A working bartender who mostly works in the peds ICU…  I feel weird saying that I feel like that kind of altruism is sexy, but… well, maybe it’s just the peds and not so much the altruism.
It doesn’t hurt that nursing school means she’s smart, too.

(x-post to [info]100_words)
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i was really hoping for something more insightful [31 Dec 2005|04:34pm]
take away engineering and the top three would be my top three original ideas at NYU.






























What is your Perfect Major?
created with QuizFarm.com
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the bar across the street is calling to me (and the cute bartender i know would make it even better) [31 Dec 2005|03:34am]
[ mood | restless ]

The allure of the bar across the street is building and just as I am pondering what I could possibly do in a bar all alone when I know I’m still not going to talk to strangers and thinking about a good friend who spent her birthday reading by herself in a bar, said good friend calls.  She tells me all the reasons I already know why I should go over there and she all but dares me to go.

I want to go.

Even tranquilizers don’t stop the paralysis that comes when I try to get up and go.

([info]100_words x-post again)

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the flow of the pavement at night [26 Dec 2005|01:44am]
Hand, Wheel, DashI drive around like I always have, but things just aren't what they used to be.  The night doesn't seem to have the energy it used to have.  Maybe the energy never really was in the night, but instead in the potential of the future.  High school was such a time of future potential.
All around me, people seem to be settling down, becoming more static, more stable.  Virtually none of my friends are single anymore.  I'm still looking for the path to stability, but I'm not sure that's what I really want.
I want to drive into the night.

(x-posted to [info]100_words)
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[25 Dec 2005|12:00am]
(x-posed to [info]100_words)

Sometimes, I put the full force of my intellect, persona, charisma, or will behind doing such trivial things. I've learned how to solve a Rubik's cube (and I'm actually starting to understand why the moves work) and I can solve it in under five minutes. I have taught groups of students to do things I myself did not know how to do (partly just for the fun of it and partly just to prove to myself that I am that good).

Yet I can't just walk across the street to the bar by myself, much less talk to anyone there.
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[19 Dec 2005|02:42am]
[ mood | tired ]

how many consecutive saturday nights can i have that end in massive weirdness/uncomfortable-ness relating to the hosting couple?

(2 so far, thankfully not the same couple both times).

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West Wing (and other smart female characters on Aaron Sorkin shows) [15 Dec 2005|02:23am]
can i tell you how much i like the notion of Commander Kate Harper (Mary McCormack) asking Will Bailey (Joshua Malina) to the president's daughter's wedding? there's something satisfying about a smart Mary McCormack character (mmmm nice all on its own) asking out a somewhat awkward smart male character (c.f. Joshua Malina's role on Sports Night and the cute girl on that show, too).

mmmm Mary McCormack...

mmmm Sabrina Lloyd (Natalie on Sports Night)...
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possibly the best thing since sliced bread... [13 Dec 2005|09:37pm]
well, okay, not really, but certainly one of the best of the iPod generation of innovations (and music-related): http://www.pandora.com/
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Random silly fun from [info]beardedlynie [03 Dec 2005|05:32pm]
Open iTunes/iPod or Windows Media Player to answer the following. Go to your library. Answer, no matter how embarrassing it is.

How many songs: 1748

Sort by song title:
First Song: "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" - Nancy Sinatra [or, the first that doesn't start with punctuation or a track number: 100 Years - Five for Fighting]
Last Song: Your Latest Trick - Dire Straits

Sort by time:
Shortest Song: [skipping the iTrip programming tracks] Learn To Cook Dhal - Bend It Like Beckham soundtrack (0:05) [or, to pick the shortest actual music: Tight Sweater - Moloko (0:15)]
Longest Song: [skipping the non-music stuff (i.e. podcasts, etc)] In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida - Iron Butterfly (17:02)

Sort by album:
First Song: Lonely Apache - Los Straitjackets
Last Song: Sixteen Tons - Tennessee Ernie Ford

Top Five Most Played Songs:
Stolen Car - Beth Orton
Mad About You - Hooverphonic
Barricades and Brickwalls - Kasey Chambers
Blue Light - Mazzy Star
One Million Miles Away - J Ralph

First song that comes up on Shuffle: Ghost Train - Counting Crows

"sex", how many songs come up? : 7
"death", how many songs come up? : 1
"love", how many songs come up? : 49
"you", how many songs come up? : 138
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random hotness [26 Nov 2005|01:21am]

originally uploaded by excauboi.
I like playing around on Flickr.
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strange telempathy [15 Nov 2005|12:27am]
sometimes i get these extremely strong waves of emotion, often depression over very specific things (loneliness, for instance) that seem to occur more or less without cause in my life...
then i start talking to my friends and find out that it's exactly what one or more of them are feeling at the moment... and it's usually friends that i'm not in constant contact with, so i'd have no way of knowing they felt that way...
or maybe this is just retrospective nonsense.
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the thing about Wal-Mart [07 Nov 2005|10:39am]
So, it seems to have become the progressive-liberal status quo to bash Wal-Mart for paying too little and providing too little in benefits (particularly health care). Let me point out three things.
1. Given inflation in costs versus increase in salary, I am hard pressed to buy clothes anywhere but Wal-Mart, unless I splurge and go to K-Mart or Target. How can I justify $50 for a pair of khakis at Eddie Bauer, much less $25 at Old Navy, when I can get khakis at Wal-Mart for $12 or so? The same argument goes for a lot of goods. For me to not buy them at Wal-Mart puts me in a worse financial position. This is the natural end-product of capitalism/consumerism as we have it in this country, especially now when the government has stopped providing appropriate safe-guards against these things--see points 2 and 3.
2. Wait, we're bashing Wal-Mart for paying salaries that are below the poverty line? That's horrible that they can do that. That should be illegal. We need some sort of law mandating that all companies pay some sort of minimum wage that provides enough... oh, shit, we do have that, it's called the minimum wage. If you want Wal-Mart to pay a living wage, tell your congressmen to raise the minimum wage.
3. Repeat argument in #2, but applied to forcing employers to provide health care and/or having the government provide it. Keep in mind that the government does for pennies on the dollar what private insurance does.
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early, but not as early as last year [06 Nov 2005|10:58pm]
if you'd like a holiday card from me and have not previously received one or have changed addresses, comment with your address.
comments screened for privacy. you are not required to send me one at all in order to get one.
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and if i had chosen "kung-fu skills" over "cool hide-outs" i would have been neo... [05 Nov 2005|11:05pm]
You scored as Batman, the Dark Knight. As the Dark Knight of Gotham, Batman is a vigilante who deals out his own brand of justice to the criminals and corrupt of the city. He follows his own code and is often misunderstood. He has few friends or allies, but finds comfort in his cause.


Neo, the "One"


Batman, the Dark Knight


Captain Jack Sparrow


Lara Croft


William Wallace


James Bond, Agent 007


The Terminator


The Amazing Spider-Man




Indiana Jones


El Zorro


Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
created with QuizFarm.com
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[26 Oct 2005|10:46am]
A new take on AYB: http://www.pwned.nl/ayb/
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[20 Oct 2005|10:56pm]
some random prettiness )
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love (the other kind) [04 Oct 2005|02:01am]
so, yeah, i told rachel. and it wasn't much of a thing.
but i feel better about it now.
and we talked for nearly an hour and a half... well, i think she said she mostly talked and i mostly listened, but as i said, i really like listening to her and it makes me feel good and ... and i totally adore her and feel justified in thinking of her as my best friend when we have that kind of long phone conversation and it makes it kind of okay that we don't really do that but once or twice a year, but we can still just fall right back into it.

it's late and i'm like 3-4 hours past what should be my bedtime and 2 hours past my usual bedtime and less than 4 hours from when i have to get up.
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i asked for rain... [02 Oct 2005|04:54pm]
A Good Hard Thunderstorm... and i got it.

it was raining hard enough to soak the entire back deck.  when i had the door open and was standing in the doorway (a good 5 or 6 feet in from the edge of the deck, under a roof), my feet were getting wet.  gusts of wind, lightning, thunder right on top of the lightning (lightning right on top of us)...

beautiful.  but hard to photograph.
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boredom [28 Sep 2005|11:54pm]
i don't feel like i have much of any interest to say.
maybe i'll feel more like posting sometime soon.

anyone know of any LJ clients that make it really easy to post the same entry to multiple accounts where each is on a different server?
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[waste of] brain power [22 Sep 2005|12:45am]
i'm both saddened and impressed that i have now memorized a method of solution for the Rubik's Cube.
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