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Walden Macnair

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Backdated to 15 January [18 Jan 2015|03:06am]
Louisa Izabal Macnair. Born 10 January 1984. Beautiful and perfect.
 photo 26edbf26-1938-4d02-9652-646851ff78de_zpscfe56fb7.jpg
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[10 Oct 2014|08:08pm]
I use to have really interesting, often exciting, dreams. Last night I dreamed that I sent an owl for take-away, and I waited in what felt like real time for the owl to return, then Katharina and I ate fish and chips. The end. I want to put a wand to my head. Alcohol can only do so much. Something's got to give.
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[23 Aug 2014|05:09pm]
Fancy an all expense paid ten day trip to Corsica?
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[14 Aug 2014|08:46pm]
Find somewhere to leave Ben for a week. I've book us a trip to Corsica. Ten days on the beach. Just you and me.
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[10 May 2014|04:35pm]
People are so bloody fucking stupid. Do they really think bureaucratic changes happen instantaneously? Do they think there's only one person who gets to make all decisions unilaterally? And, fuck, people are acting as if the countryside is littered with dragon eggs that need to be dealt with immediately.
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[25 Apr 2014|04:59pm]
Dragon hatchlings are nasty little fuckers.
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[22 Apr 2014|03:12pm]
I'm going to be really late tonight.
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Friday Night [16 Mar 2013|12:12am]
Death Eaters
Has anyone seen or heard from Armand? He was acting weird, and now no one in his family seems to know where he is. I'd rather my very pregnant wife not be concerned with this. Anyone?
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[19 Aug 2012|12:05am]
Just a piece of information that apparently needs to be spread through society- when someone doesn't answer the door, there is probably a very good reason.

Death Eaters
We were raided and searched tonight. Was anyone else, or am I special?
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16 January 1981 [16 Jan 2012|11:13pm]
My new ink.

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[11 Sep 2011|02:13am]
I'm taking suggestions for a new tattoo. Both for art and location. I have some ideas, I just want to see how creative my friends are.
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[01 Jul 2011|09:52am]
All that unwinding I did last night has made it impossible to deal with the reasons I needed to unwind today.

Hexed away from people I work with.
Owling in sick today.
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Backdated to Katharina's birthday. [27 Jun 2011|07:38pm]
So that she would know he found her sexy. )
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Friday [10 Jun 2011|08:07pm]
Veronica wants to take everyone out for drinks tonight. Celebrate her first week. Do you want to go?
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7 June 1980 [07 Jun 2011|10:15pm]
I'm going to be late coming home again tonight, I'll grab dinner here. Need to stay and show Veronica a few things.
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Friday 3 June [03 Jun 2011|11:35pm]
Hexed away from those I work with
They hired from outside the department. Which is better than Kettleburn being in charge, but apparently this woman they've hired, her only experience is that she formerly owned her own gnome removal business. I wonder who she slept with.
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26 May 1980 [26 May 2011|10:16pm]
Hexed away from Ministry types.
There's a possible promotion at work. But I'm only the fourth most senior person here. Out of four of us. So, I don't see getting the job, but as long as they don't make that pussy Kettleburn my boss, it'll be fine.
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Saturday 15 May 1980 [15 May 2011|12:20am]
The worst part of owning your own home is that when something breaks, it's up to you to fix it. Magic is great and all, but I still came in from searching the cas- watching Slytherin win today to find the downstairs toilet backed up and flooding the bathroom. There are people you can hire to do the pipe work, (Apparently roots have grow into the pipes.) but we still had two inches of sewage to contend with. I don't think any amount of scourgify is going to make that room clean again. Maybe we should just brick it up.
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10 Feb 1980 [10 Feb 2011|11:51pm]
I just executed my 100th magical creature.
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10 September 1979 [10 Sep 2010|04:57pm]
I think I'm getting tired of killing animals and magical creatures. They really aren't much of a challenge.
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