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Walden Macnair

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Katharina [20 Dec 2023|06:14pm]
I'm going to pick up the kids at 9am on Boxing Day. Please have them ready.
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[19 Feb 2023|02:16pm]
I didn't always appreciate my connection to Valentine's Day. Naming me Valentine just because I was born on 14 February? My parents were ridiculous.

...but maybe it's not so bad after all.
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Katharina [24 Apr 2022|04:08pm]
I want to see the kids.
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[10 Oct 2021|02:32pm]
I'd forgotten how great travel is. Being in a country where they speak a different language makes it feel like you and the person you are with have the entire place to yourselves. I think it use to make me feel isolated but this time it created a deeply intimate experience.

But I'm home now and feel like being out and drinking in public with English speakers. Who's up for a round?
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Friday 25 June [25 Jun 2021|01:42pm]
If there's anything you left behind that you still want, you have until Monday to get it. I sold the house and on Monday magiremoval people are coming to clear it out. I'm not living there anymore so feel free to get your shit at any time.
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[23 May 2021|04:58pm]
I want to thank our hosts for the weekend. The time and space for relaxing and destressing was sorely needed. We had a brilliant time. Let's do it again soon.
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[01 Mar 2020|04:21pm]
To everyone but Katharina
Anyone out tonight?

I'm going out. I'll be home later. Let me know if you want/need me to bring anything home.

If I say leave me alone, why the fuck can't she just leave me alone? She bloody well fucking knows things only get worse when she pushes and I gave her like ten chances to fucking stop and she just kept pushing and pushing and pushing. Why? Why does she do that? And how, exactly, am I supposed to react, if not with irritation and anger?

I think Ben saw what happened.

And how the hell do we suddenly have no liquor in the whole house? I know there was beer in the refrigerator that I didn't drink, but isn't there now. Is she drinking now, too? Or just getting rid of it? Or did I actually drink it and don't remember. I just feel like I would remember. Because no matter how much I've had to drink, I remember everything else that happens, all too well.
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[06 Jul 2019|09:09pm]
Best place you've traveled to.

I am so fucking bored. I hate sitting around. I hate this fucking job. I seriously need a change of scenery, but I think it has to be permanent, a holiday isn't going to do it. I wonder if I can talk Katharina into moving to another country.
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[18 Nov 2018|05:55pm]
I really use to love the run up to Christmas, but its much less festive now that I have fewer ways to exercise my actual holiday disdain.

There are too many fucking lights.

I really need to get out and kill something with a conscience. Let's take the kids somewhere for Christmas. Somewhere populated.
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Owl to Katharina [14 May 2017|10:18pm]
Owl with these flowers and a note that reads: )
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[16 Mar 2017|10:52pm]
This is an open invitation to everyone to attend an alcohol tasting. I'll provide a few bottles, and everyone can bring their favourite exotic liquor. Let me know if you want to come.

Hexed against Katharina
My loopy cunt of a wife is determined to make sure everyone knows how unhappy she is that I'm not working, I don't want her ruining my party so I'm relocating to the event room at The Three Broomsticks Malfoy Manor. Even if it makes me look like a fucking idiot. 7pm, Friday.
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[30 Jan 2017|04:49pm]
That's it. I'm fucking done. I will not kill another magical creature in the name of the Ministry.

I quit my job. I'll be home late.
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[30 Jul 2016|06:27pm]
I'm so bloody sick of this fucking job. I would worry that I'll get myself sacked, except no one else wants to do this shite. I can't take one more fucking message about dangerous creatures only to get there and find garden gnomes.

I'm going to be here later than I thought, and possibly tomorrow, but Monday I'll be home. I'm taking some time off of work.
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[17 Aug 2015|05:56pm]
I've found it! You have to come see it. I've found the perfect house. Best of all, it's right down the street from your mother.
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[15 Jul 2015|10:26pm]
How would you feel about moving house?
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[04 Jul 2015|09:03pm]
Death Eaters
Is anyone going back out to look for Him?

And on a completely related note, does anyone want to sit in a pub for several hours and drink until you can't walk?
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[17 May 2015|06:15pm]
I've have taken off a couple of days next week. I thought we could take the kids down south and hang out on the beach for a few days.
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[22 Mar 2015|05:23pm]
Is it worth me leaving here early to come home and celebrate Mother's Day with you, or are you going to be a complete bitch and make me wish I was still in Germany?
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[08 Mar 2015|02:34pm]
Death Eaters
I really fucking hope it's Him.
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[05 Mar 2015|08:49pm]
Ben was a pretty good baby, but Louisa is absolutely perfect. She never cries, she is totally content. I can't get enough of her. I feel like she's changed me, at least into someone who talks about things like this publicly now.
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