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Back April 5th, 2022 Forward

Player Info
Name: Laura
Over 18? Yes, very over 18
Timezone: Eastern
Preferred contact: E-mail - laura_suzuki@zoho.com or reply to this app. Also, discord - laura#7779 E-mail/message here is my first choice.
Have you read the rules and do you understand them?Bumble Bee Tuna flies at night

Character Info
Canon-puncturing: Yes, go ahead.
Fandom: Encanto
Name: Julieta Madrigal
Age/Birthday: 50/Same as Bruno.
Species: Human with magical ability to heal others with her cooking
Sexuality: Heterosexual, happily married.
Personality: Strengths: very loving - her ability to heal comes from the love she puts in her cooking as much as her magic, comfortable showing affection, sees the good in others, kind and caring, patient, good at comforting others
Weakness: worries about others, will miss her family that isn't on the station, has to give the food to people in person for the healing magic to work
History: https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Julieta_Madrigal
Third Person Sample: Already in game.
Journal: https://users.insanejournal.com/julieta_/
Played by: Salma Hayek

Back April 5th, 2022 Forward