Ellie Branstone's Journal
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Sunday, November 8th, 2015

    Time Event
    So bored. So here's a bunch of random, useless facts.

    1) A higher mental I.Q. = more dreams.
    2) Your hearing decreases as you overeat.
    3) Babies always have blue eyes when they are born. Exposure to ultraviolet light and the production of melanin are required to bring it out.
    4) For every human on Earth there are 1.6 million ants.
    5) On Jupiter and Saturn it rains diamonds.
    6) There are more fake flamingos in the world than real ones.
    7) A banana is technically considered a berry.
    8) Everyone has a unique tongue print, just like your fingerprint.
    9) The northern leopard frog swallows its prey using its eyes — it uses them to help push food down its throat by retracting them into its head.

    And lastly,
    10)A sneeze can exceed 100 miles per hour. Holding it in isn't recommended, obviously.

    Hopefully that's enlightened a lot of you, or given you something to do for five minutes.
    Also, I want a puppy.

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