Luna Lovegood dances like no one is watching [entries|friends|calendar]
Luna Lovegood is afraid of Nargles

Luna Lovegood is dreaming again

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.

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Luna Lovegood @ Refresh [03 Oct 2014|11:16pm]
Luna Lovegood )

Luna Lovegood @ Afresh [14 Sep 2014|02:40pm]

Luna Lovegood @ Afresh )

[26 Sep 2012|02:04pm]
If I weren't at school, I would have loved to have gone to the charity ball. I love to dance. Perhaps I could donate some jewelry instead?

My earrings came out quite lovely. What do you think?

I found my shoes (on the Astronomy Tower), but not my paper. I had rewritten it by the time I found the shoes, anyway. I guess the Nargles were hungry.

[19 Sep 2012|08:20pm]
It certainly is strange to be a part of the oldest year of students at Hogwarts. When I was a first year, I thought this year would never come. Even last year, it seemed impossible. Now it is here, but being done with this year also seems impossible. I wonder if perhaps space and time might bend and I will wake up tomorrow and find myself a first year again.

I seem to have misplaced my Potions assignment. At least, I cannot find it. Perhaps I forgot the assignment in my shoes, which have also gone missing. Or perhaps nargles took it. I cannot really say. If it does not turn up soon, I will just have to rewrite it.

I found some eggshells in the hallway yesterday. I nearly walked on them and thought about how silly that would be, to literally walk on eggshells. Instead I decided to collect them, and I am planning to make a new pair of earrings from them. They're a really lovely shade of blue. At least they weren't rotten.

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