June 2020



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June 5th, 2020

Patrick O'Clery was born in Boston in 1987. His early childhood was fairly uneventful, though his parents had a troubled marriage, and he witnessed his father's abuse of his mother, and resolved someday to do something to help other people in her position. Growing up, he always sort of wanted to be a power ranger, and to this day is a little disappointed that the dream never quite worked out.

Eventually, when Pat was turning fourteen, his parents divorced and he and his mother moved back to her native Northern Ireland, where he finished school. Having witnessed some good and bad cops throughout his parents' marriage, he resolved to become a good one, and, after training, ended up taking a position as an officer in Edinburgh, where he spent the next years of his career proving his abilities. He's currently a Sergeant, working out of Edinburgh City Centre.

Pat's known for keeping a cool head during a crisis, and being generally cool with a lot of extreme circumstances. After new arrivals started to show up in universe, Pat was generally assigned to deal with their cases, and can usually de-escalate situations fairly well, particularly with younger people. He's managed to become friendly with the Vael family, especially during the alien invasion of a few years ago, and tends to be calm, friendly and collected. His job has recently expanded beyond the usual duties to include working to welcome new arrivals and make certain that they have a legal presence in the world and understand the way things work in universe. He's the guy to talk to about things like setting up schooling, legal documents for work and other things like that. While he might not know everything, he's definitely the guy to point you at resources. He's also working on a list of those who've been relocated here, and a list of people they are looking for. These databases are totally voluntary but might be helpful in the long run.

Pat's generally eager to help, easy going, and outside of work hours, fun to hang around with. He's the type of guy to drop by with a cake or flowers just because you're his friend, and he keeps an eye on people he's in touch with. He's currently single, and is up for dating or romancing just about anyone. He's Catholic, even if he doesn't always agree with everything about the church, and generally does a lot of things in the community as a whole.

He likes his job, his community and his friends and is eager to make more!