Myron Wagtail

Being a disciple of rock sometimes means embracing entropy and overthrowing order and conformity.

⇾ Slytherin
⇾ Metamorphmagus
⇾ Halfblood
⇾ Bona fide Rockstar

Out of Character


This journal is for roleplay and entertainment purposes only. I do not write storylines on this journal. This is simply a writing hub. If you wish to write with me, please drop me a comment on my dropbox post and I will give you my Discord.



I'm currently seeking a light, lighthearted psl or two set in the Pokemon universe (see this post for more info and a few ideas). I like to ret-con the setting so someone has to be at least 18 years old before they can be a Pokemon trainer/Coordinator or whatever, and that all characters be written/played as 21 years old (if not already established as older).

At the moment, I have a rather specific request: While I would love to find a partner open to playing as Jessie, Misty or Delia Ketchum opposite a male OC, there are some non-PKMN ladies I'd love to see transplanted into the setting listed in the below cut:

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