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Nymphadora Tonks

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[Mar. 26th, 2010|01:57 am]
Throw away this very old shoelace
That tripped you again
Try and shrug it off, shrug it off, shrug it off
It's only skin now
You need to understand
There's nothing fake about this
You need to let me in, I'm watching you, and
I'll be waving my hand watching you drown
Watching you scream, no one's around
And maybe you should sleep
And maybe you just need a friend
As clumsy as you've been
There's no one laughing
You will be safe in here )
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[Apr. 27th, 2008|06:40 pm]
Private to Self )

[Private to Teddy]

When you have a chance Bunny, would you mind coming and taking a look at my ankles? Or I could come to you...I broke them, but we thought they were just bad sprains at first and tried to use the episkey charm...anyway, would you mind? I'm in no hurry, I get around fine, they just hurt a bit when I do.
Thanks baby!
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[Apr. 1st, 2008|02:17 pm]
Happy Birthday Gred and Forge, if you're out there!
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[Mar. 24th, 2008|10:32 pm]
[Private to Sirius]

Jackass...You didn't even give me a chance to wish you a late Happy Birthday earlier!
But I'm in. I'd never pass up an opportunity like that. Will your friends be coming?

Teddy's got Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder, or at least knows where to get some, I think. How great would it be if we could get our hands on some of that?


Lazy, lazy day. Wasn't that storm great? I tried to curl up and sleep on my back porch swing, but someone apparated in for all of three seconds and destroyed my comfortable sleepiness.

How is everyone?
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[Mar. 21st, 2008|04:39 am]
[Private to Teddy]
Teddy baby? How are you?
I haven't been keeping up with you as I should, and I'm sorry...I feel awful.

The afterlife is boring.
It was fun for a while...all the places I found and things I did...now I feel like I've done everything and now I'm supposed to sit and wait for something to happen.
Nothing bad mind you, just something to break through the monotony.

[Private to self]

I feel more alone now than I ever did in life. I've made new friends, and have friends from my life before, but I'm still alone.

Are mum and daddy ever going to show up? Or at least daddy? I know he went on well before I did...
I feel like a little girl wanting my parents, but Merlin I miss them.

I'm beginning to hate this place.
Honestly, if I didn't think Teddy would worry I would just pick up and move on, become anonymous somewhere else on the island.

[Edited to add- Private to Remus]

Remus, I have a favor to ask.. Next time Teddy blows up his lab or--Merlin I hope nothing like that happens again--but you know what I mean-- could you owl me please? I don't tend to read this thing unless it tries to bite me...I forget about it honestly...I don't think I'm used to tracking down people this way yet.
I'd appreciate it.
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[Mar. 4th, 2008|01:05 pm]
[Current Mood | awake]

And I'm back! Hope I wasn't missed too much! Only gone like two days...didn't get very far, but I feel loads better...almost accepted the whole being dead thing and all that now.
This place is really cool when you take a closer look at it. There's still a bunch to explore, but what I've seen so far is bloody impressive!

How's everyone getting on? Making nice with each other yet? Too much to hope for?

[Private to Kingsley]

King!!! Give me work, please! I'm restless! And my mind is much, much clearer now, I swear!

Seriously, how's all that coming along? Anything I can do to help?

[Private to Ginny]
If you're still up for it, I've found some really great places we can go get smashed and get some aggressive dancing done!

[Private to Remus]

I was an absolute bitch to you and I'm sorry. I feel much more grounded and a bit more settled now...everything happened so fast and it was all just such a SHOCK when I first got here, ya know?
Nothing has changed as far as my feelings for you go, but I'm trying, really I am. I hope we can be friends again, I adore your friendship...

Can we just be all right?
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[Mar. 2nd, 2008|07:05 pm]
[Current Mood | ugh!]
[Current Music |everclear- santa monica]

[Private to Cernunnos]

Thank you, Cernunnos. for the muggle music you've supplied. All my favorites! Thanks especially for the Everclear (both band and drink!). You know me, you really know me.
I found them this morning, they've been a godsend!
Suppose they really are?

[Private to self]

I've tried to maintain the happy, but so far all I've managed to do is worry my son because my cousin is an idiot, speak to the one person I DON'T feel like speaking to right now, and make a general arse out of myself. All through this thing.
I think instead of staying at home and acting like an angsty teenager, I'm going to go somewhere else on the island. No word from anyone really, so why not?
If Sirius can go on holiday, I figure I can too. And I'm leaving my bloody journal behind!


[Private to Teddy]

If you don't hear from me, don't worry! I'll be away for two days or so discovering the island or some such.
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[Mar. 1st, 2008|05:33 am]
[Current Mood | lost]

[Private to self]

I'm really not doing well.
I couldn't do life properly, so I don't know how I'm going to do this whole being dead thing.
The only thing keeping me from holing away in my house is Teddy, and the thought that I may be working again soon.
But mostly my Teddy.

I know I don't say the right things to him most of the time, or anyone for that matter. My minds been a bit of a mess since arrival...Jumping from one thing to another...not that that's unusual for me, but it seems worse than ever now.
I wonder if anyone else had that.
Don't want to let on to him, he doesn't deserve a needy mum clinging to him like he were all she had left.
But he is, I think, it.
I thought I'd have Remus too, when we first corresponded. He'd said he loved me, but then...Blimey.
Tagging behind a man I'm unworthy of. Lovely. I wonder what people truly thought of me.
Were they laughing at me? That's what happens most of the time. Should be used to it.
I'm not well spoken, I jumble words sometimes... I don't even know how to talk to my son (but I'm getting there)...And of course I'm clumsy..
So aside from Teddy and being with him whenever possible, I'm just going to be throwing myself into my work.
I know I do that well at least.

Bugger this.
I'm giving myself 3 days to wallow and then I'm done with it. I don't care how far down I've got to push everything, I'm sick of feeling this way.
I was so confident in life, I'm not going to lose that just because I died and got dumped (for the thousandth time by the same man.)
3 days Tonks, then move on.
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[Feb. 25th, 2008|01:10 am]
[Warded Private]

The past twenty four hours here have been nothing quite like I expected being dead to be.
I was found by quite a few that I knew before, and that is exciting...I think so many found me because of my mention of the holes and falling...I knew that would get the attention of someone who knew me when we were alive. I didn't really want to broadcast my name, never really know who is watching.

But I also found my Teddy. I met the grown man that is my son. That was a trip!
I'm not quite sure what he thinks of me. I know I'm a bit strange to some, so honestly I have no idea if he thinks I'm just some weird little girl trying to play mommy or what.
But I want him to love me. I think he did already...Well my handwriting at any rate, but that isn't me. I don't want to come off as clingy, and as much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to back off slightly and allow him to come to me when he wants.
Hell, if I went to him everytime I wanted to, we'd never be apart. And he is an adult as Remus said, and I've got to respect that he's got a life.
He's just so wonderful..and perfect...and beautiful. And I can't believe that he's my bu.
I've got to stop with the babyfying, I'm sure he doesn't appreciate it. But bugger all, he is my bunny.

Remus...Mum said he was destined to be my doom, and I suppose she was right. I loved too hard and fell too fast. I should've known better.
I'd rather not think about him right now though.
It just hurts so much.

I'm comic relief, who could really love a bumbling twit like me unless they had to? What with my falling over and weird hair. I don't even need to speak to be funny.

I'll be fine. I'll...yeah. My main priority now is not letting Teddy see me down.
Nope. I won't let this get to me the way I did before. I can't. I won't.
Tonks will be all smiles for everyone, as usual.

I hope King is able to something moving. I need to work to keep myself occupied.
The Dark Mark was cast, and Harry isn't well, according to King. This does not bode well. Maybe we showed up at the perfect time?

I've also seen that my sweet Aunt Bellatrix is here. Why the bugger are any of them allowed here?
I wouldn't be surprised if You Know Who himself showed up.
It seems I now owe my auntie twice over. Maybe she'll be around to collect soon.

I haven't heard either way, but Ginny Weasley or Hermione Granger wouldn't happen to be here would they?
I'd love to say hullo to my two favourite girls if you are.

Sirius Black...I'm owling you if I can find a bloody owl. Be expecting it, yeah?
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[Feb. 23rd, 2008|06:20 pm]
Give me a big plot of land and fill it with holes, will you? You bugger, I'll.. Yeah, do nothing. You're a god and I'm a girl who falls into four foot wide holes.

If there are any more bloody holes on this island, you can rest assured that I will find them.
Suppose being a klutz stays with you in the land of the dead. I just thought this madness would be over with after what that bloke with the horns told me.

Anyway, same bloke told me to use this to talk with people, said I might find someone I enjoy. I don't know who went down with me that day, but Merlin, I hope it wasn't many...It would be nice to find someone familiar though. I've only been here, what, two days? And I'm already bored as hell and entirely too homesick for my mum to call myself grown.

[A large smudge of ink appears on the page]

Don't be here Mum because that would mean th
You're keeping him safe still...I know it. I know it. Don't be here, either of you.
Gods but he doesn't have me...He's not going to know...
I can't remember if I...Did I see Remus? Merlin I hope he made it through, Teddy needs at least one of us..

He's such a precious little thing...nose still goes wonky everytime he burps. Bloody hell you idiot girl how could you run off and leave that?
I can't miss him, I won't make it here if I wallow.

I know Mad Eye's bound to be skulking around here somewhere, probably firing off hexes at unsuspecting trash bins, bless his heart.
Sirius should be here too unless he really went to the place he always said he was going to go.

Daddy should be here too.

Does anyone know how the war turned out? It seems like two days, but maybe I've lain around for a month or so healing or something..
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