.... - February 23rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Nymphadora Tonks

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February 23rd, 2008

[Feb. 23rd, 2008|06:20 pm]
Give me a big plot of land and fill it with holes, will you? You bugger, I'll.. Yeah, do nothing. You're a god and I'm a girl who falls into four foot wide holes.

If there are any more bloody holes on this island, you can rest assured that I will find them.
Suppose being a klutz stays with you in the land of the dead. I just thought this madness would be over with after what that bloke with the horns told me.

Anyway, same bloke told me to use this to talk with people, said I might find someone I enjoy. I don't know who went down with me that day, but Merlin, I hope it wasn't many...It would be nice to find someone familiar though. I've only been here, what, two days? And I'm already bored as hell and entirely too homesick for my mum to call myself grown.

[A large smudge of ink appears on the page]

Don't be here Mum because that would mean th
You're keeping him safe still...I know it. I know it. Don't be here, either of you.
Gods but he doesn't have me...He's not going to know...
I can't remember if I...Did I see Remus? Merlin I hope he made it through, Teddy needs at least one of us..

He's such a precious little thing...nose still goes wonky everytime he burps. Bloody hell you idiot girl how could you run off and leave that?
I can't miss him, I won't make it here if I wallow.

I know Mad Eye's bound to be skulking around here somewhere, probably firing off hexes at unsuspecting trash bins, bless his heart.
Sirius should be here too unless he really went to the place he always said he was going to go.

Daddy should be here too.

Does anyone know how the war turned out? It seems like two days, but maybe I've lain around for a month or so healing or something..
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