.... - February 25th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Nymphadora Tonks

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February 25th, 2008

[Feb. 25th, 2008|01:10 am]
[Warded Private]

The past twenty four hours here have been nothing quite like I expected being dead to be.
I was found by quite a few that I knew before, and that is exciting...I think so many found me because of my mention of the holes and falling...I knew that would get the attention of someone who knew me when we were alive. I didn't really want to broadcast my name, never really know who is watching.

But I also found my Teddy. I met the grown man that is my son. That was a trip!
I'm not quite sure what he thinks of me. I know I'm a bit strange to some, so honestly I have no idea if he thinks I'm just some weird little girl trying to play mommy or what.
But I want him to love me. I think he did already...Well my handwriting at any rate, but that isn't me. I don't want to come off as clingy, and as much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to back off slightly and allow him to come to me when he wants.
Hell, if I went to him everytime I wanted to, we'd never be apart. And he is an adult as Remus said, and I've got to respect that he's got a life.
He's just so wonderful..and perfect...and beautiful. And I can't believe that he's my bu.
I've got to stop with the babyfying, I'm sure he doesn't appreciate it. But bugger all, he is my bunny.

Remus...Mum said he was destined to be my doom, and I suppose she was right. I loved too hard and fell too fast. I should've known better.
I'd rather not think about him right now though.
It just hurts so much.

I'm comic relief, who could really love a bumbling twit like me unless they had to? What with my falling over and weird hair. I don't even need to speak to be funny.

I'll be fine. I'll...yeah. My main priority now is not letting Teddy see me down.
Nope. I won't let this get to me the way I did before. I can't. I won't.
Tonks will be all smiles for everyone, as usual.

I hope King is able to something moving. I need to work to keep myself occupied.
The Dark Mark was cast, and Harry isn't well, according to King. This does not bode well. Maybe we showed up at the perfect time?

I've also seen that my sweet Aunt Bellatrix is here. Why the bugger are any of them allowed here?
I wouldn't be surprised if You Know Who himself showed up.
It seems I now owe my auntie twice over. Maybe she'll be around to collect soon.

I haven't heard either way, but Ginny Weasley or Hermione Granger wouldn't happen to be here would they?
I'd love to say hullo to my two favourite girls if you are.

Sirius Black...I'm owling you if I can find a bloody owl. Be expecting it, yeah?
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