.... - March 4th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Nymphadora Tonks

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March 4th, 2008

[Mar. 4th, 2008|01:05 pm]
[Current Mood | awake]

And I'm back! Hope I wasn't missed too much! Only gone like two days...didn't get very far, but I feel loads better...almost accepted the whole being dead thing and all that now.
This place is really cool when you take a closer look at it. There's still a bunch to explore, but what I've seen so far is bloody impressive!

How's everyone getting on? Making nice with each other yet? Too much to hope for?

[Private to Kingsley]

King!!! Give me work, please! I'm restless! And my mind is much, much clearer now, I swear!

Seriously, how's all that coming along? Anything I can do to help?

[Private to Ginny]
If you're still up for it, I've found some really great places we can go get smashed and get some aggressive dancing done!

[Private to Remus]

I was an absolute bitch to you and I'm sorry. I feel much more grounded and a bit more settled now...everything happened so fast and it was all just such a SHOCK when I first got here, ya know?
Nothing has changed as far as my feelings for you go, but I'm trying, really I am. I hope we can be friends again, I adore your friendship...

Can we just be all right?
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