.... - March 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Nymphadora Tonks

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March 21st, 2008

[Mar. 21st, 2008|04:39 am]
[Private to Teddy]
Teddy baby? How are you?
I haven't been keeping up with you as I should, and I'm sorry...I feel awful.

The afterlife is boring.
It was fun for a while...all the places I found and things I did...now I feel like I've done everything and now I'm supposed to sit and wait for something to happen.
Nothing bad mind you, just something to break through the monotony.

[Private to self]

I feel more alone now than I ever did in life. I've made new friends, and have friends from my life before, but I'm still alone.

Are mum and daddy ever going to show up? Or at least daddy? I know he went on well before I did...
I feel like a little girl wanting my parents, but Merlin I miss them.

I'm beginning to hate this place.
Honestly, if I didn't think Teddy would worry I would just pick up and move on, become anonymous somewhere else on the island.

[Edited to add- Private to Remus]

Remus, I have a favor to ask.. Next time Teddy blows up his lab or--Merlin I hope nothing like that happens again--but you know what I mean-- could you owl me please? I don't tend to read this thing unless it tries to bite me...I forget about it honestly...I don't think I'm used to tracking down people this way yet.
I'd appreciate it.
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