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Apr. 27th, 2024

[info]notfromsherwood in [info]westviewic

Who:Sherr and Jim
What:Sherr spoiling him, what else?
WhenLate afternoon early evening
Where:Their place
Rating:TBD but low for the moment

my love is your love/your love is my love )

Apr. 26th, 2024

[info]maskismybadge in [info]westviewic

Sometimes, you just have to give all your friends a little kiss on the cheek when their face is right and normal again.

Wade, come get your suit. I forgot I needed to give it back.

Apr. 25th, 2024

[info]the_upgrade in [info]westviewic

I've noticed a...somewhat alarming problem that started with the strange ghost of a boy following me around for the last several days. He seemed to know me, to be afraid of me, even, this kid named Ryan, but he couldn't tell me anything about why he was there.

I...don't have any memories of another life the way that some of you do. I'd always thought before that the strangeness was Westview, and I was just...not someone dragged here but...

I AM starting to wonder. AND if there's a reason that I don't remember anything.

Why would I not remember if I AM someone? Is the universe protecting me from something? From myself?

I know we all have a capacity for both good and evil, but I wonder if I'm potentially someone really horrible. And how I could fix it, if I am. I don't REMEMBER but it's no excuse if I've hurt people, is it?

...Anyone have anything similar going on?

...And I think I just found the subject of the youth sermon for this week.

[info]brokendarkangel in [info]westviewic

Louis & Regulus
April 9th | Louis's apartment

SUMMARY: The magic of Westview gives them a baby girl

Who could that be? )

Apr. 23rd, 2024

[info]bigsilly in [info]westviewic

Home just in time. Time to snuggle my Alpha husban Cath and go for a run.

[info]dualpersona in [info]westviewic

Um...That was

That was a lot.

I, um... I don't think we should see each other anymore. I hope you understand. I'm really sorry. Maybe we can stay friends?

[info]preptime in [info]westviewic

Well that was just a little awkward.

[Filtered to Bat family]

I'm just checking in to see how everyone is doing after all of that and if anyone needs something. Barbara? Jason? We all know I'm terrible at talking about things but I'll listen and you can get your teasing in while you're at it.

[info]blackaproned in [info]westviewic

things ive learnt this time:

1. it IS possibble to have your hands hurt more than preveously thought.

2. I am nothing without my hands and having them function proper is a good thing

3. girl hair is WEARD.

4. Teenage da is wearder.

i think thats about it. howd you all go?

Apr. 22nd, 2024

[info]notthebf in [info]westviewic

I screwed up really bad. Like, the worst.
This is worse than that time
He totally hates me
And now I'm just as bad as

[info]brokendarkangel in [info]westviewic

She's gone. Rose Elizabeth is really gone. I wanted more time. It almost feels like a cruel joke to have her taken away after such a short time. She made me smile and laugh in ways I never thought I would again. I guess I should consider myself lucky. For a little while I got to be a father again. It just hurts right now.

[info]hasajobtodo in [info]westviewic

Am I the only one who's a little disappointed to be back to normal right now? I can do the whole werewolf thing. I'm basically a pro.

There's Alphas here right? Can one of them just

[info]headliongirl in [info]westviewic

I'm all me again! I'm so happy.

Boys, we need to swap back. I doubt you have a need for those bras anymore. But I will be keeping your sweaters

[info]ratherslackoff in [info]westviewic

I've been compromised. This place just-

I cant

[info]edgindarvis in [info]westviewic

You know, all things considered, part of it wasn't so bad. I definitely owe a few apologies.

[info]loudmouthedmerc in [info]westviewic

Well that was fun. Next time can your little witch doctory magic do something impressive like, Oh I dunno, fix my face

The rest of you owe me pizza. The shit I put up with, honestly.

[info]jmspotter in [info]westviewic

I'm ME again! Oh thank Merlin.

[info]consolcrim in [info]westviewic

Are you done now, Westview? With your you seemed to be having there? It has been an interesting two plus weeks I'm keeping the shoes.

[Moriarty Associates]
Sebastian was right. Keep caution. Even though I doubt Mycroft's power extends here.

[info]everyonehatesme in [info]westviewic

Well, now I know what living as a woman is like...

[info]pb_p in [info]westviewic

I'm the right age again! The backache solidifies it.

Apr. 21st, 2024

[info]mixologistking in [info]westviewic

[Filtered away from Quentin Coldwater]

B.O.R.E.D. Gods, I'm so bored. Anyone want to meet up/go out tonight, do some drinking. have some fun, maybe do some dancing, do some recreational 'goods' and fuck? Men only. 21+ only. Being pretty and handsome is a big bonus. Liking to fuck is an even bigger bonus.

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