Shepley "Shep" Maddox's Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in Shepley "Shep" Maddox's InsaneJournal:

    Friday, August 7th, 2015
    10:47 am
    Application for [info]ohanamods

    Name: Ashley
    Age: 31
    AIM: ashleylyon1984
    Timezone: EST
    Previous RP Experience: Lots and lots
    How did you hear about us?: Current player


    Name: Shepley "Shep" Maddox
    Fandom: Beautiful Disaster
    Point in canon: End of book 1
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Species: Human
    Age: 19
    Link to outside source: Here

    Shepley is a person who likes to keep calm and cool and one of his talents is to keep those around him at easy and diffuse volatile situations, which is helpful when it comes to his cousin, Travis Maddox. Shepley is a loyal guy and he would do anything for his friends and family. He is described as a serial relationship guy and he has been dating America Mason and is deeply in love with her.

    Journal: [info]shep_
    PB: Grant Gustin
    Third person writing sample: Waived
    Anything else: Nope!
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