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[22 Feb 2020|03:18pm]
... )
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[02 May 2011|08:08pm]
This day is always so difficult. No matter how many years go by, no matter how much time passes, it's still there in my mind as clear as if it was yesterday. The mayhem, the school, the bodies everywhere. No amount of parades or sales in shops can erase the destruction from my mind. The classmates who died. The smoke. The fire. Nothing will ever make that go away.

Beautiful vigil at Hogsmeade tonight.
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[28 Apr 2011|10:10pm]
Thank you to everyone who extended their sympathies during my family's time of mourning. I appreciated your well wishes, as did the rest of my family.

Despite being back to work for almost a full week, I am still behind on my owls. My apologies if you're someone waiting for a response, I've almost gotten through them all but for some reason more of them keep coming.

Also, the

Funny thing happene

No one will beli

Theodore and I are engaged.
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[12 Apr 2011|07:32pm]
I'm honestly not shocked that the store was vandalized. Obviously there are going to be people who are against it opening up. And some people choose the cowardly way to show it rather than a way that would identify them in the community.

Anonymous messages of intolerance won't get anyone anywhere. All they do are convince the general public that there are ignorant bigots out there who don't have the balls to file an actual complaint.
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[31 Mar 2011|09:16am]
Happy Birthday to my lovely sister Astoria! You'll get your present next time you pop round mine or if I happen to be out to yours.
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[30 Mar 2011|07:14pm]
Is it bad that it's only Wednesday and I'm already craving the weekend? For some reason the long hours at work are really wearing on me this week. Came off a lovely relaxing weekend and now I'm feeling like this? That doesn't usually happen.

Might see about going to Just Relax this weekend. It would be a welcome escape.
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[21 Mar 2011|09:03pm]
And there I was, sat on my couch, enjoying my dinner, and then some random woman came toppling out of my fireplace. I may have tossed my glass of wine at her out of surprise, but she's lucky that's all she got. Can't they get this floo business under control?
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[16 Mar 2011|04:25pm]
Well that's the last time I use that elevator at work. If I wanted to be confined in a box with random coworkers... well, I'd be mentally deranged. They need to get it sorted for good, or I'll send them even more howlers.
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[13 Mar 2011|10:36am]
Yesterday morning was fantastic. I haven't flown in ages and it was the perfect way to spend a Saturday morning. I love that feeling, being up there. There's not much better than seeing how fast you can push it, dodging around trees, racing against your best friend. I definitely miss doing this type of thing, and I wish I'd had more reason to keep up with it over the past many years.

Stopped in to see Mum and Dad as well, while we were there. Would've been rude not to. They're both in good health and spirits.
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[08 Mar 2011|07:42pm]
Wow. Honestly, I'm surprised it's taken this long for those idiots to state that they think Knockturn Alley is not safe for children. How about this? Keep an eye on your child if you're that worried about it. Plus let's face it -- they're probably just jealous that their husbands would rather go to Temptation than stay at home with them.

It's really not anywhere close to how bad it used to be. They should just be glad that it is how it is. Back in my day, which makes me feel so unbearably old to say, they might actually have a point.
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[27 Feb 2011|05:54pm]
It appears I went out to the shops at the wrong time of day. I could've seen a bit of a scuffle! Instead I had a boring trip and bought way too many things. Sometimes I forget that I don't need nearly as much from the grocery since it's just me I'm cooking for.

Oh well, my Sunday shall remain uneventful as always.
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