ahaw9913 ([info]ahaw9913) wrote on May 6th, 2010 at 04:01 am
Luke finally pulled away with a dreamy sigh, rubbing his nose against Reid’s. “It’ll be fun,” he said, causing Reid to snort.

“Okay it won’t be fun. But you can blow me in the men’s room again. That’ll be fun. And I promise to be quieter this time.”

“Yeah that’ll happen,” Reid said. “You’re never quiet.”

“Well,” Luke said, putting the ice cream container on the bedside table and pulling Reid down on top of him. “Let’s practice.”

With all my vast experience(Ha Ha), I am so impressed with how well you have captured Luke's loving exuberance, and Reid's acerbic tenderness with Luke. I can see this.

Great fic!!!
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