14 January 2011 @ 08:41 pm
Queensland Flood Relief.  
Originally posted by [info]_alicesprings at We Interrupt the Rewatch...
Hi guys, as some of you may know, the state of Queensland here in Australia is experiencing horrendous flooding at the moment. Thousands of homes and business are under water, mass graves are being dug for lost livestock, 15 16 lives have been lost so far and there are still 61 53 people unaccounted for. Thousands of people will be left unemployed as well as homeless.

To raise funds, there's a fan fic auction happening HERE.

You can bid on a fic written just for you by [info]noah_who mods at the following links:

[info]_alicesprings HERE!
[info]rhiannonhero HERE!
[info]amelialourdes HERE!
[info]bigboobedcanuck HERE!

If you're offering up a LuRe fic, feel free to leave a comment with a link to your bidding thread.

There's also loads of writers offering fic for a huge number of other fandoms, and there's an art/multimedia auction happening HERE.

You can get more info on the flooding and how to donate HERE and HERE.

If you don't want to bid on fic but you can afford to make a donation or offer up some fic or art yourself, it would be much appreciated!

Click here for video and a few pictures of the damage )
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notreallyme10[info]notreallyme10 on January 14th, 2011 03:31 pm (UTC)
Scary!!!! I'm so glad to hear that you and your family are safe!
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Britin[info]_alicesprings on January 14th, 2011 10:09 pm (UTC)
Than you, darling! Yeah, it's quite scary and there's a long, looooooooong road ahead by the time they clean up the mess.

If you could pimp the auction I'd really appreciate it! We're spreading the word on LJ quite well but IJ not so much. It would be great if we got some QaF writers signed up!
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notreallyme10[info]notreallyme10 on January 16th, 2011 05:53 am (UTC)
Sure! I think I should have time to do a post tomorrow... I can put it on comingout if you like.
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Britin[info]_alicesprings on January 16th, 2011 07:06 am (UTC)
That would be awesome! Thanks!
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