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Coffee Coffee Coffee [16 Mar 2008|08:44am]
[ mood | awake ]

Ahhh so here I sit at quarter to nine in the morning, simply because I woke up at 7 AM and stayed that way. It's okay though. I set the alarm for 9:30 anyway.

Today I'm going to the St. Patrick's Day parade with my photography class to do some street photography. I'm soooo out of practice and pretty much every inhibition I've ever had is back lol, so this should be interesting. One good shot, that's all I ask. One. ONE!

FYI - sleeping with a mouth guard in SUCKS. You get spit build-up and if it isn't in right it feels like you're gonna gag, AND when you wake up your teeth are all funky. I still can't close my mouth all the way because 2 of my front teeth meet before the ones in the back do. Ugh. It's sick, you can feel my jaw pop all funky when I touch it and open my mouth. Ewwwwwww.

If I were a singer, I'd be super-depressed by all this, because I can't sing, talk, or eat a lot without it hurting. Ughhhh. I swear, I'm broken lol. I have so much wrong with me.

Did anyone watch "The Return of Jezebel James"??? It's by the creator of Gilmore Girls. Gilmore is better. I don't really like the main character, probably because she was so goofy in "Josie and the Pussycats". I just can't get that version of her out of my head. I like her sister though. The show is okay, but it's like the cheaper version of Gilmore. Scott Cohen (Max Madena) is in it though, and Gypsy was for a second. That was pretty cool. I'll probably give it a shot. See what happens.

Thanks, Candace, for the icons. I love making my own, but the mood doesn't always strike. So it's nice to have some lovely K-Bell ones to use. Love her.


Ugh. I'd keep typing but I don't have much to type about. So. I guess I'm done here :)

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Real life ER [12 Mar 2008|10:06pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

Okay so I normally type like this is an actual notebook diary type of deal. La la la. But every journal-style book I've read has mostly narrative stuffs. So. I'm gonna try my hand at this. First let me put my wrist brace on. Actually, both braces, both are hurting. One sec.

K now we're good.

Finally. The day had passed so incredibly slowly, just like I knew that it would. But it had finally boiled down to the last fifteen minutes. Kathy and I walked along the fence, having just priced the newest merchandise to go to the floor. I don't remember what we were talking about. I do remember the interruption, though.

"Ow," I said. It was almost like a sidenote. Both Kathy and I hurt ourselves daily on the job. No particular danger involved there. Just two klutzes.

"What'd you do?" she asked.

"Just had some pain in this area," I answered, rubbing my lower-left abdominal region. We walked on. Near the middle of the fence now.

"OW!" That one made me clap my hand over my mouth. Damn, I think I just echoed. The silly-spiritedness I had gained by being goofy for the past couple of hours had worn off. That was some pain there.

Later that day, I called my doctor's office and asked how much a visit would be without insurance.

"It could cost anywhere between $60 and $200, depending on how long he's with you and what is done."

I scheduled an appointment for 11 the next day.

Cut to X amount of hours later. I'm extremely geeked for the new One Tree Hill to start. Is Haley really going to leave Nathan? IS DAN REALLY OUT OF JAIL? Nahhhhh, they'll resolve things. And, unless this is a dream sequence, he most definitely is out of jail. Well dammit. I'm sick of him and his drama. He's a murderer!

As I think these jumbled thoughts, I reach up to rub my eye. Oh... it feels funny. Like it did last Friday, it felt puffy or numb or something. Well. Back to OTH.

But me being me, a little alarm went off. What the HELL is wrong with me now. Though I tried to focus on the characters, my hand kept straying to my face, poking and prodding at it to try and figure out if it really was numb, or if I was crazy. It didn't bother me TOO horribly, until it felt as if it was spreading. No longer concentrating on what's going on with Brooke and Rachel, a little bit of panic was setting in. Okay, chill. Breathe. Then I bit both sides of my cheeks.

Oh crap. I felt the right side. Not that left. Panic arose full force. This can't be normal. Check the internet. But be careful, because the internet is great for scaring yourself silly with symptoms.

Hey, here's a guy who had his face go numb on the left side. Let's see what everyone had to say.

BELLS PALSY (Which I always remember as "Balls-y").


My next step was to call someone. Not my mom, she panics at the slightest inkling of something wrong. Not Lori, she's had enough stress. Renee. She was there when my eye first felt funny at Lori's radiation appointment.

Fighting back tears of fear, I dialed her number.

Answering machine.

Ugh, don't do this to me now. It's only 9:08!

So I called her cell phone. Voice mail. Omg. Now what do I do? I dialed her house phone one more time as I considered my options. I could call sister Noelle, but I don't know if she'd be awake at this time. Maybe Lori. Lori would be awake for sure, but I don't want to scare her. Luckily, I didn't have to weigh these options for long.

"Hello?" I heard Renee's cheery greeting.
"Hey," I said. Oh crap. There it is, voice broke, tears flowing. I hate crying in front of people, but oh well. "I have a problem and I don't want to tell mom, because I don't want her to freak out."
"Okay!" she said, still cheery. Concerned cheery, I suspected. I explained what happened, and we discussed the options. She was on the phone with Noelle, so she hung up with me to get her opinion, and said she'd call me right back.

Neither of us could decide what to do, if I should go to the hospital, or wait for my doctor's appointment in the morning. I didn't know if it was serious, I'd never had half my face lose feeling before! So finally, I told my mom what was up. With Renee on the phone, we decided we'd go to St. Mary's hospital. Renee would come, too. She knew how my mom was and I didn't want to be alone with her panicking. We drove separately, because Renee had to be up early and didn't know how long we'd be.

On the way there, it began to snow.

"Where the hell did this come from?" my mom asked. With the snow and the darkness, it was hard to see. She turned into the Emergency Entrance. It was like most Emergency entrances. It was a wide circle so the patient could be dropped off and the car could pull right out. It appeared as if there was parking available on both sides. My mom turned right.

"Uh, I think you're on the sidewalk," We must have driven in over a ramp, because there was no massive protesting bumps as we hit the curb.

"Am I?"

Well, it WAS hard to see. But yes, we were most definitely not on street anymore. I saw the long, concrete blocks that indicated parking spaces just in front of us. She steered left and BOOM. Hit the ground. Then she parked in an ambulance only zone. A security guard came out and warned us that we could get towed. By that time, my sister met up with us and offered to park the car while we went in.

Of course, it involved answering the same series of questions to 5 different people, but hey, whatcha gonna do.

Q: "Does your family have a history of strokes?"
A: "Yes," my mom answers. "My uncle, mom, and cousin."

Q: "Are you allergic to anything?"
A: "Medication-wise?"
Q: "Yep." (Yeah yeah not a question, but if I put an "R" for response, it would only confuse you and disrupt the flow of things :P)
A: "No."

On and on and on. Finally we get to the Emergency zone. Whatever it's called, it's like a bunch of mini-rooms separated by curtains that no matter how you adjust them, part of your area is always exposed to the outside. Makes changing into those lil nightgowns all the more exciting.

In the room next to mine, you hear a baby cry.

"It makes me so sad when babies are sick," my sister comments. I nod in response. Thank the Lord for Renee. She kept up conversation, a very nice distraction for my mom and myself. When the doctor came in, he even commented about how it was great to see the smiles all around.

First, I had to have an EKG. Or EEG. Or EGG. No, that's for chickens. I can never remember all the letters for that one, but I've had it at least 3 times before, no big deal.

Then came my least favorite part. Them drawing blood. What this scares me so much, I'll never know. It ended up not being so bad. Until, much later in the night, those mother effers declare that one of the vials they filled was useless. Okay, no big deal. When they inserted the needle in me, they left a catheter inside, just incase I needed in IV. Of course the hopeful side thought they'd just re-insert the needle in that little thing.

Noooo such luck. I stared down in horror as the nurse swabbed the top of my hand.

"What are you doing...?" I asked.
"I'm swabbing your hand now."
Noooo shit.
"Oh we thought you'd be able to just take it through the IV thing."
"No, we can't do that," she said in nurse-voice.

Yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeoooowwww!! That one hurt like a bitch. I expressed the pain facially to my sister, and she made a big goofy puppy dog frown. Which made me laugh a bit.

So FYI, if the doctor ever gives you an option of where to draw blood, go with the elbow-pit. UNLESS you're evil ex is getting is blood drawn. Then I totally recommend the hand. For sure ;)

Anyway, back to the story, if you guys aren't totally bored yet.

EKG: Whatever.
First Poke: Eep! Oh... not eep.
Second Poke: Yoww-zahhh!
Cat Scan: Smelled funny, and due to thinking in horror movie mode, I was thinking a guillotine type of blade would come and slice my head off, a-la Buffy style.
Chest X-Ray: Whatev.

All my procedures were done, it was just time to wait for the results. About this time I really was able to contemplate just how much I hated Emergency Rooms.

There was a woman across from me who, even though the curtains were drawn, I could tell was in very obvious pain. You could hear the doctor asking her if she felt this or that, and everytime he'd hit a certain spot she'd scream in agony and painfully answer "yes".

During all this time, I would try to focus all my attention on my sister, trying not to hear her cries. I usually failed. I couldn't help but me beaten down with sadness over the fact that such pain and fear had to exist. I wished that no one had to deal with it, that no one had to suffer like that.

Finally, they got the poor woman some medication. Her screams were less frequent, and she was transported somewhere else. For X-Rays, I think. After that I didn't pay much attention, as my focus was drawn to the people next door.

They were a young couple. I'd guess early twenties, maybe mid-twenties, but definitely in that range. All I remember about the father was his shoes. White, black, and red. They looked brand new. All I ever saw of him were those shoes, save for one time, when he walked across my field of vision, carrying his one-year-old son, who looked in my direction.

Oh. My. God. He was one of the most beautiful babies I had ever seen. Long blonde hair, big eyes, no shirt, and a red and yellow pacifier stuck in his mouth. My heart seemed to sore and drop at the same time. Why was this little guy in the emergency room?

Still waiting on my results. Then I hear a nurse say to someone on the phone that she had to give a one-year-old an IV.

No. It was horrible hearing that baby cry and cry and cry as the nurses tried numerous times--none of which were successful--to get that needle into that little boy and stay there. I saw the shoes of many nurses shuffling around in there, and the bottom of those white, black, and red sneakers poking out into my room. I heard the father trying to soothe his child as he kneeled beside him, saying things like "It's okay, buddy. I know, I know. You're okay, buddy. It's okay."

The mother, who looked like she could have been a classmate or fellow employee of mine, paced back and forth. Into their area, and out. Cross my area and come back again. The look on her face was of sheer pain of seeing her child suffer. I heard her crying a couple times. Once, we made eye contact. I looked down. I always do that, but I wish that I could have done something more. Said something. Smiled. Conveyed that her baby would be okay. But no. My eyes just went down.

After everyone had finally given up on giving this baby boy an IV, I saw her walking and rocking him in her arms. I heard the family discuss that when he threw up, it was a lot, not just a little. I heard baby talk directed towards that little boy.

As my friend Laura said when I told her the story, it made my heart hurt. It stills does. I can guarantee you that I will pray for that baby and his parents everyday for who knows how long. I really wish I could have poked my head in their room and let them know that. And I wish that I could know what happened. I don't know, though. I'll just continue to pray and wish that I could give his mom a hug.

As for me, I was released with a clean bill of health. I had facial paralysis for some unknown reason. Today I went to the doctor and found out I have TMJ, which is a jaw issue. I woke up in pain in the areas that were numb the night before. Basically I have to sleep with a mouth guard in every night and take motrin for a while to get the swelling down. There's a nerve in that jaw area that is responsible for facial sensations and it is being pinched or whatever.

I'm just glad that I'm pretty much okay. Though as my doctor said "Next time, remember that I'm a lot cheaper than the ER." Yeah yeah. I'm glad I went, though. If I hadn't, I never would have seen that child and his parents. And I'm really happy I have the opportunity to pray for him. If anyone has made it this far into this very long entry, all I ask of you is to do the same. That baby needs to get better.

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The Martian Child [12 Mar 2008|02:30pm]
[ mood | sore ]

Title: The Martian Child
Author: David Gerrold
Copyright date: 2002
Publisher: Tor
How many pages: 190
How long it took me to read: About a day and a half

Category: Gay & Lesbian Fiction, based on a true story
I learned about this book from: Meijer.
This book was purchased at: Meijer.
Other books by this author: Jumping off the Planet, Bouncing off the Moon, Leaping to the Stars

Main characters: David and Dennis
Favorite characters: David and Dennis lol
Least favorite Characters: None, really.
When and Where the story takes place: I’m not sure, actually, Sometown, USA lol
Plot in a nutshell: David is a gay man who wants to adopt a son, and Dennis is a little boy that everyone he comes in contact with describes as "unadoptable". David falls in love the second he sees a picture of the boy. So it’s about them meeting and growing as a family. And the fact that Dennis thinks that he is a Martian has a huge part in this story as well.

What I liked best: David’s sense of humor, I’d say John Cusack was a great choice. How he is with Dennis, Dennis finally finding a home... it’s so sweet. Also, David really starting to think Dennis is from Mars is good as well, I’d probably do the same thing.
What I liked least: There was nothing I didn’t like.

What parts could you relate to: OMG how he’s a writer so he constantly looks for meaning and subtext that just ISN’T THERE. I do that ALL THE TIME!!!!! I probably would have thought the kid was a Martian too lol
Did you learn anything from this book: That I might want to adopt :)
Would you read it again, or give it away: I would definitely read this one again.
Would this book make a good movie?: I think so, though I see a few things that I’d think they’d change.. I’ll have to see the movie :)
Quote from the book that sums it up: "All you have to do is love him." --Harvey, David’s stepfather.

Overall Rating: Sweet, funny, great. Your heart really goes out to both David and Dennis. It is a fast read, I recommend it for sure :)

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Cell [10 Mar 2008|10:25pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

Title: Cell
Author: Stephen King
Copyright date: 2006
Publisher: Pocket Books
How many pages: 449
How long it took me to read: 11 days

Category: Horror/Fiction
I learned about this book from: The bookstore.
This book was purchased at: Costco
Other books by this author: I don't find it necessary to list them lol

Main characters: Clay, Tom, Alice, Jordan
Favorite characters: Clay, Tom, and Jordan
Least favorite Characters: That ass hole Gunnar or however you spell his stupid name
When and Where the story takes place: On the east coast; Maine, New Hampshire, etc.
Plot in a nutshell: Some sort of transmission is sent via-cell phones. Anyone who is on a cell at the time, or uses it after is infected with it and basically turns into a zombie, or as they are called in the book, "phone crazies". The main characters are fighting to survive, and Clay, the mainest of the main characters if you will (lol) is trying to make it back home to his wife and son.

What I liked best: Clay is a graphic artist so you sometimes see people or scenes as if they were comic book characters/settings. I also like how the zombies are telepathic. VERY cool.
What I liked least: How Stephen King is on a kick of not tying things up and letting you know what happens.

What parts could you relate to: Uhh... lol.. I've often had a dislike of cell phones. I guess that lol.
Did you learn anything from this book: I wouldn't say I learned anything, but it was nice to see a new twist on the whole zombie thing.
Would you read it again, or give it away: I probably wouldn't read it again, but I might.
Would this book make a good movie?: Yes, it could be an amazing movie.
Quote from the book that sums it up: I found 2-
"Christ, it's zombie heaven." --Tom, pg 124

"At bottom, you see, we are not Homo sapiens at all. Our core is madness. The prime directive is murder. What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous motherfuckers in the jungle. And that is what the Pulse exposed five days ago." --The Head, pg 206

Overall Rating: Very entertaing, very effing CREEPY. Great characters, a unique twist on zombies. The only problem I have is the ending, it could have tied some loose ends more than it did.

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Yeesh. [09 Mar 2008|10:26pm]
[ mood | guilty ]

You know what I hate? That I can't have a normal mother-daughter relationship. Seriously. My mom can say a lot, a little, or nothing at all and I'm the one who ends up feeling like the bad guy.

I really wish she'd get fed up one day, look this shit up online and see where the root of the problem REALLY stems from. Of course, she'd probably read it wrong and end up blaming me even more. Ughhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If only Lorelai Gilmore were real :(

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Oops, my bad. [08 Mar 2008|12:45am]
[ mood | rushed ]


So sometime last week I logged into facebook and it decided to ask me if I wanted to invite everyone I know to flixster. Or you know... something like that, I really don't know. I was in a hurry and was like "yeah yeah whatever" and clicked all that was necessary.

Then realized that it invited everyone I've ever e-mailed or received e-mail from. Including -- guess who? Yep, Scott.

So today, I logged onto flixster and see that a have a bunch of new talk messages, all of which say "Thanks for the add!" and I was like "What? I didn't invite anybody?"

Then I was like "Oooooooh yeahhhh...." and remembered what had happened previously.

Among the "thanks for the adds" was a message from the ex.

"Hm. Didn't expect to get an invite from you."

Well, no shit. I dunno. Maybe I'll remove him, but w/e. It's just flixster, so who cares lol.

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Feel like POO. [05 Mar 2008|10:30pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]
[ music | "Halo" by Bethany Joy Lenz ]

SO I've taken a liking to photoshop makeovers. I like to make girls look punky. Don't know why, probably because it's the most fun? I did Kristen Bell. She is naturally gorgeous, but I still had fun. Look! :)


So yeah... not much going on. I'm not in a good place now. Very negative, paranoid, freaked out. By various stories on the news, but what I'm reading and watching for entertainment purposes (can't help it, okay?!?!!?), and ummm... oh the living arrangement at home BLOWS. I get pissed if my mom just LOOKS at me.

Plus there's the whole.... Amanda might have to have to surgically remove areas that might be bad due to HPV. And we probably have the same kind, so that stresses me out. Especially since I've been having pain around that area and have been having an irregular period since December. Meh. I'm hoping that Cassie's doctor won't charge me a lot to go there. I just want a second opinion.

I don't know what to say though. Nehhhhh. I'm thirsty and hungry and want to be happy but all I see is bad lately :(

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Ahahaha Tweak said "Spiffy" [03 Mar 2008|08:25pm]
[ mood | mellow ]

Okay all. So.

Not much new. I was in Saginaw for the weekend. Well, sorta. I went on Saturday with Laura and we left Sunday afternoon. We seem to keep making the mistake of drinking iced coffees on 2-hour trips on the freeway. One of these days our bladders are gonna jump out and slap us silly, but whatever!

So we all got wasted on Saturday. That was fun. It was me (doi), Hailey, Laura, Tiffany, Garreth, Gary, Jeremy, Tay and ummm I think that's it. Unless you count the hamster, dog, and cat, but I really don't. I was effing tired but everyone kept harassing me about having to stay up until 3, so I just laid on the couch with my eyes closed listening to conversations. LAURA AND HAILEY ended up wanting to go to bed before 3 so there. Neyyyaahhhhh. We took bunches of pictures, Hailey and I ran around singing "Po-ta-toes; Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!". Laura and I drunkenly conversed with other Laura via text messaging. I also called her I think but I can't remember why haha. OH yeah, cuz I saw a movie at Best Buy that reminded me of her. (check myspace for pics). Also, I sang songs from Reefer Madness quite loudly, and not well. I <3 that movie lol

Moving on.

Sunday was pretty sweet. Hailey, Laura, and I went to breakfast, but it took them an hour to bring us food, so it was free. Then Laura and I went to Timmy Ho's for coffee, and they charged us the wrong amount, so it was free. Haha. THEN when we went tanning later that night, there was a long wait, so I got to go into the monster bed, which is $3 more than a regular bed. And I paid regular bed price. Awesome yo.

I don't really know what else to say, so I'm done now. Chao :)

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Birthday. [11 Feb 2008|10:25pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | The Wreckers ]

So overall it was pretty sweet. Had a fun game night on Saturday. I won "Loaded Questions". Go me, woo! Haha. That game is a lot of fun. So is Taboo. Afterwards, went to Target, and then Laura came over and we watched some Harold and Kumy. Can't wait for the sequel, btw :)

Today I saw Juno with my mom, and we went to Applebees afterwards. That was a pretty good movie. I want the soundtrack. I got mostly money, but my mom got me some sweet stuff for lunch at work (new thermos, lunch box, etc). Noelle got me a magic "date" ball (according to it, Jamie, Laura, and I will all get boyfriends this year. When I asked if mine would be Paul Rudd it said "Sure!" And I'm pretty sure it was just humoring me lol) and also she name a star after me. Awww :)

Also, if Gary decides not to be a major butthead, Lori might be able to come to South Carolina with us in May. My aunt is taking my mom and I, and since I'm terrified of flying, she said one of my sister's could drive. I hope Gary lets her. Cuz it'll be fun, she totally deserves a vacation, and it would mean no airplanes for me. PLUS if we drive through North Carolina, we might have to stay the night there. If we have to stay the night there, it might be in Wilmington. If it's in Wilmington, then I might be asked to join the cast of One Tree Hill. Lol, okay probably not, BUT if I could be an extra on the show, I'd be sooooo happy.

So yes. Pray for Lori to get better and be strong, as always, but also throw in "please let her husband let her come to SC". That would rock :)

Anyway. I was feeling sad, but after singing in the shower and writing I feel a bit better. I hope Lori's okay as well. She sounded sad when she called me earlier. Pray for her to be happy, please, as well :)

K I have to work early so I should go. Later all :)

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Awwww [10 Feb 2008|10:10pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

I just watched "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" and omgggggg. That freakin' show makes me CRY. At least it was inspirational cry, not sad cry. It was so cute :) Loved it. I couldn't handle watching it all the time though. Just cuz I don't want to see the sad stuff.


(I used that word a lot, btw).


I would love to be able to do something like that. To be able to HELP PEOPLE like that. I mean, I've donated money to charities, I've done favors for people, I went on a Habitat for Humanity outing. Which I guess was the best of all that, because I want to really get involved with this stuff. I just don't know how. How do you get a job like that, and what would I do to contribute? I mean, after they built this family a home, I saw people wiping down the counters with windex. I could totally do that part.

But really. That would be an awesome job. I've always wanted to do something along those lines. Not the windex so much, I do that now at Sears and it SUCKS, but.... having a job where I actually help people who really need it and appreciate it?

I want to do that! I really really really DO!

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The Mist [03 Feb 2008|02:38am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Title: The Mist
Author: Stephen King
Copyright date: 1980
Publisher: New American Library
How many pages: 230
How long it took me to read: Less than a week

Category: Horror/Sci-Fi
I learned about this book from: The movie
This book was purchased at: Purchased at Target by Laura, but was lent to me by Ryan :)
This book is: Scary as frak, but really good and hard to put down.
Other books by this author: Thinner, The Green Mile, The Shining, Christine, etc.

Favorite characters: Ollie, David, Billy
Least favorite Characters: Mrs. Carmody
When and Where the story takes place: present day Maine
Plot in a nutshell: The back says "[A small town is suspended] in a haze of terror -- as humanity makes its last stand against unholy destruction...
Main characters: David
What I liked best: The suspense, how it ended
What I liked least: I didn't like the sad stuff. The spiders were gross lol... oh, I also dislike that you never learn how this all happened.

Overall Rating: Very creepy, very entertaining. I liked how the chapters were set up. I would recommend this book for sure, but I don't see how the movie could be successful. I guess I'd actually have to watch it to find out though :)

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waiting to go to class. [30 Jan 2008|03:23pm]
[ mood | bored ]

1. Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?
Nah, don't like lip piercings. Plus, my ears and nose closed up so I doubt that would work anyway :(

2. Does a kiss make you feel better?

3. Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?
My sister did :(

4. Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in?
before. Do you think I'm a looney?!

5. What did you do today?
Woke up, showered, went to work, came home from work, about to go to Photo 2

6. Have you ever brushed your teeth while in the shower?
Possibly but not lately.

7. Have you had more than 3 boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time?
Um no. Sorry.

8. Have you ever thought about your death?
Too much lately STOP IT!!!!

9. Are you gay if more than half of your myspace friends are bands or people?
what would that have to do with your sexual preference? <--- I agree.

10. Would you rather be in a permanent relationship or play the field?
I don't know. Who am I in a permanent relationship with?

11. How many piercings do you have?
just one :(

12. What color is your shower curtain?
white and yellow with ladybugs??? Or is it frogs now, I don't remember lol

13. Have you ever had stitches?
just minor surgical ones.

14. How long ago did you hug someone?
I have no idea.

15. Did you believe that boys/girls had cooties?
no but I occasionally say it cuz it's funny.

16. Do you know how to use chop sticks?

17. Lyrics stuck in your head?
"You're a bitch, but I love you anyway" :)

18. Do you like the Red Sox or Yankees?

19. Is it okay for a man to cry?
yes. Awwww Chandler :)

20. Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of?
Chandler lol

21. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
yes I have.

22. Have you ever run over an animal?

23. What is your favorite cereal?
I'm so sick of cereal.

24. Have you ever had an Oreo with peanut butter?

25. What is the last kind of candy you ate?
a sucker

26. Do you think its right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced?
Yeah, why should it matter?

27. Where's your favorite place to be?

28. What's your favorite song?
Never could answer this.

29. Are you more of a coffee or energy drink drinker?
ew sick. Coffee, for sure.

30. Have you ever thrown shoes on a telephone wire?
Definitely not.

31. Name one thing that you are good at?
worrying <---ohhhh me too, me too.

32. Have you ever climbed up a water tower?
no. Screw that man, that's high up!

32. Have you ever been arrested?

33. Do you foresee a longterm relationship in'08?

34. Do you talk in your sleep?
Who knows.

35. Do you snore?
as above

36. Have you ever thought about being a teacher?
a lil bit

37. Are you a redneck?
no, but I was called cousin-fucker the other day lol. Jerk :)

38. Funniest thing you heard all day?
Ummm I SAW Laural covered in red sticker things. It was funny.

39. Have you ever ran away ?

40. What are you afraid of?

41. What does the 10th text message in your outbox say?
Hahahaha I'm not sharing. I'll tell you the 11th. "Those labels are old, I probably need new ones. Does the cd play without the label?" To Laura :)

42. What does the 10th message in your inbox say?
"No because its totally clear now because the underlabel came off" From Laura! :)

43. Do you like someone?
why do all surveys ask this question? <--I dunno.

44. What are you excited for?
Eh. Spending my gift card?

46. Can you recite the alphabet backwards?

47. Need to get something off your chest?

48. How do you feel about your life right now?
hard hard hard hard hard hard scary sucky hard.

49. What do you think of the person who posted this before you?
Lisa is awesome. Move here :P

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Sadness. [28 Jan 2008|07:41pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Spice Girls // Spiceworld ]

Man, I really hate feeling this way. Friday my therapist said something to me that she really shouldn't have, and it just made me feel 1000x worse.

I was already eating bare minimum, and lying in bed at all times possible. Now it's worse. Absolutely everything is making me nervous and worried and don't see any positive aspects of anything. I see all the negative.

This hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper.

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Hmmmm [24 Jan 2008|10:25pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Bowling for Soup ]

My VM mood theme is done and up on LJ. That was a lot of freakin' work lol.

I'm wondering if I should take down the cute little awesome stars and put it up instead :X

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[24 Jan 2008|07:41pm]
[ mood | sad ]

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Artsy [23 Jan 2008|12:10pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

So last night I had dinner with Rachel and Josh. It was fun, but of course, me lacking in the self-esteem department, began to wonder if it was a pity-date. But oh well. We were really good friends at one point, so... idk I just hope that it's one of those stupid mind-messer with feelings.

It also made me sad because I realized they still talk to Chris and AJ, where as I have been disowned by them. Oh well. What can ya do?

So I have my first portfolio assignment. I'm taking an Advanced Studio, one of my last classes before graduation, and for my AS, I'm pulling a portfolio together. Robin and I went through my work today, and she wrote down the stronger pieces, and now gave me a totally new assignment.

In my Advanced Problems in Commercial Art class, we had an assignment to do a packaging design, and we had numerous options. I opted to go for the hairband packaging. Now, I have to do another one. I'm thinking of doing either band-aid packaging, or maybe crayons. I love coloring :) And I like band-aids. Weird, but true lol. OH OH maybe post-it packaging? Hmmm.... I'll have to look into this.

Anyhoo, I found all the pictures I need for my mood theme. Now I just have to tweak them (ie, whatever that means, I found numerous pictures for some emotions and now I have to sort out which I want to use), and decide if I want to keep them as is, or add a color theme, orrrrr if I want to posterize them. Ya know. Whatever. I think I'll do that as soon as I finish up my assignment for photo 2. We have to write about a favorite photograph of ours. Me, being the indecisive one, found 2. I'm going to write about them both, and bring them both in. Either that, or write one and be tired of writing and stick with that one lol. OR maybe I will write both and like one better in the end.

Ya see what I mean about indecisive? lol

My choices )

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Fucking LAME. [21 Jan 2008|11:18pm]
[ mood | crushed ]


If you ever plan on reading the  )

Why do people DO this? Killing off Jonathan Kent, and now *bleepity bleep*?! You are all STUPID. Stupid stupid stupid. I may never watch Smallville again and I may never finish this stupid ass sorry fucking excuse for a book.

But I probably will, because it will bug me if I don't. UGH.

Screw David. Hate him :P

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Anthropomorphic. All yours, big guy. [21 Jan 2008|09:26pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

So I'm still in the process of collecting images for my mood theme. It of course, will only be applied to lj, because I just adore the little stars on IJ lol. But whatever. Maybe I'll fall in love and apply it here too.

It of course, is a Veronica Mars theme. I'd probably still be searching but my wrist is starting to tingle from too much clicking and whatnot. Plus I'm starting to lose my patience sorting through all the screen caps and we don't want that, now do we? It stifles creativity!

I just recently re-checked my Brain Age on DS, and woo hoo! Knocked it down to 26 :) The best is 20, so go me, yep yep!

I would probably have more to say, but ya know... tingling wrist and whatnot.


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Annoyance [20 Jan 2008|02:48pm]
[ mood | creative ]

Wanna know what pisses me off?

GJ and IJ actually have mood themes that I like a lot (the cute lil bobbing guy and the sweet lil star). LJ has crappy ones.

I can make my own mood theme on lj, but I have to have a shitty layout. I can't make it my own. If I do, it looks like crap with the ads. On GJ and IJ I can have it however I please, but I actually like my lil mood themes.


Shut-up, I'm an art major :P

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[19 Jan 2008|11:50pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]

1. Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed?
yes, unfortunately

2. Do you still talk to the person you kissed last?
Um no.

3. Have you ever punched a tree?
That would kinda hurt.

4. Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it?
No, not all the time. With what's going on lately though, I really hope praying and positivity and strength makes it happen!

5. Do you watch a lot of TV?
Yes, I do.

6. Have you tried ecstasy?

7. Have you ever snuck out of your house?
Never needed to <---Same here Lisa :)

8. Ice cream or cake?
Ice cream cake -- BOOYAH ;)

9. Break someone's heart or have your heart broken?
have my heart broken i guess. but preferably neither <--yep.

10. Never sleep or never eat?
atm I'm both starving and exhausted, so I can't choose :P

11. Who was the last person you saw?
My mom, andddd Gary, Gary, and Lori

12. Would you ever get a tattoo?
I would have had one by now if Mike hadn't shattered my dreams of it lol... but idk, it depends.

13. Who was the last person you had a dream about?
Molly and Emma lol

14. Are you a morning person or a night person?
i can be either, depends on my mood. <---OMG WE'RE TOTALLY TWINS!! ;)

15. What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?
I don't know... isn't that subjective?

17. Do you snore?

19. Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?
Yes, I do.

20. What would you do if you opened up your front door to a dead body?
Probably get a freaky jolt and then freak out

21. Have you ever kissed in the rain?

23. Are you there for your friends?
i hope

25. Do you like to spend time with people?
I do, but I haven't been hanging out much cuz I'm either at work, at the hospital, or taking advantage of down time to chill out.

27. Are you hungry?

28. Are you a forgiving person?
Sure, but not very forgetting :)

29. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
What do you do?

30. Do you drink every weekend?

31. When was the last time you did the dishes?
Couldn't tell ya

32. Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
Yes, Loorah and I are texting.

33. Do you want a relationship right now?
No, not unless it's with people it would never happen with, because they are either famous or non-existant :)

34. What are you about to do?
go get water and fruit, mmmm

35. Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't?
Not anybody I know.

36. Have you ever fallen down a set of stairs?

37. Your name plus "ness"?

38. Three feelings at the moment?

39.What are you listening to right now?
the Disney channel

40. Done anything you regret so far in life?
eh, yes I guess but nothing I can do about it now.

41. Where are you right now?
my room

42. The highlight of your week?
Seeing Lori doing better, and finding boxed sets at Costco

43. What are you craving to have right now?
water and ummm some food product of which I've yet to think of

44. Who were the last people you ate with?
Lori and my mom, but that doesn't really count

45. What are you scared of?

46. Last movie you watched?
Cloverfield, last night

47. Last song you sang out loud?
Ummm... Bowling for Soup maybe

48. Are you thinking of someone right now?
yes I am

49. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
my nephew

50. Last thing you downloaded on your computer?
music for Lori

51. Have you changed much this year? ..
it's only been 17 days! <---ahahahahahaha

52. Do you like moms?
Some of em

53. Hug or kiss?

54. Who was the last person to text message you?

55. Where was the last place you went besides where you are?
Best Buy

57. Do you speak any other language?
i can kinda speak un poco espanol <--- Me too

58. Last thing you watched on TV?
Hannah Montana

59. Do you dress for style or comfort?
Both, but not based on what other people like.

60. Name someone with the same b-day as you?
Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Lawrence... and possibly Brandy

61. Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?

62. Whats the craziest thing you've done?
Ummm, be a passanger in Nathan's car lol

63. Favorite color(s)?

64. What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?
thriller! <--yup

66. Any plans right now?

67. What are your plans for tonight?

68. What are you looking forward to this year?
graduation, I guess?

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