Draco Malfoy's Journal
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Thursday, November 5th, 2009

    Time Event
    Draco wanted to pass out.

    He had apparated to Iceland, extremely jetlagged, only to be carted off to some conference hall to give an opening speech. There wasn't even a moment's rest, no ten minute power naps, no cup of coffee.

    He had planned on taking the rest of the afternoon at a more relaxed pace, but several important ambassadors insisted on taking him out for tea.

    By the time they were done bombarding his weary head with ideas, it was just after dinner. And instead of being able to finally, finally pass out on his luxurious bed, he knew he was supposed to call Parvati.

    It was 8:30, and he was supposed to be calling her at this exact moment. Wearily, he stared at the clock. 8:31.

    Suddenly, the phone rang.

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