January 7th, 2011

005 - September 1st, 1995

Being back in my own space in my dorm at last is such a relief. I actually feel like the place I live in is mine, for a change.

Getting back into the swing of things tomorrow could be hard, though. I didn't have much chance to do background reading on some of my subjects, homework besides, because it was so sunny and hot most of the summer that people in the neighbourhood were in and out of each other's houses having parties and sunbathing and things, so I couldn't risk leaving my stuff out in the open, which was a little frustrating. Though at least if I had to tell someone I was studying so couldn't leave I could tell them I was doing my Maths homework instead of Arithmancy, or something.

I am looking forward to the new things that will be going on, though. A challenge would be a good thing.